Online advertising opportunities to raise awareness and generate leads
Overview Online engagement: Monthly unique users – 267,445Monthly page views – 880,328 Twitter – 34,700 followersLinkedIn – 6,636 group members facebook – 1,667 likes Display adverts (leaderboards, MPUs, etc) run on a tenancy basis from Monday to Sunday with a maximum of 4 advertisers. There are approximately 31,000 recipients registered to receive the daily / weekly newsletter. Mobile adverts also run on a tenancy basis from Monday to Sunday and are exclusive. The Grocer brand has been the market leader for the past 150 years. We are the first choice when communicating with the grocery retail market, FMCG manufacturing and producers.
Display advertising positions Super leaderboard Leaderboard ½ page Mid medium rectangle Top medium rectangle Mid medium rectangle
Display advertising positions Background banner Super leaderboard
Display advertising positions The largest single space available on the website, perfect for creative, big impact advertising. 250px deep v's the 90px depth of the standard Super Leaderboard. Billboard
Display advertising positions Background banner Billboard
Interstitial advert Big impact, disruptive advert. Served to every unique user once per day for a week. Offering a 1000x500px space for your message. Hugely effective for product launches and high brand awareness campaigns.
Homepage takeover Super leaderboard ½ page Medium rectangle Background banner Super leaderboard
Daily & weekly newsletter We send a standard newsletter to registered users every lunchtime and a premium newsletter to the subscribers in the afternoon plus a weekly round up on a Monday. There are approximately 31,000 recipients in total. The text adverts are very effective for driving traffic and the display adverts for raising awareness. Text advert 1 Medium Rectangle 1 Text advert 2 Medium Rectangle 2 Text advert 3 Top Leader
Bespoke shot Deliver your marketing message directly to approximately 23,000 registered recipients. All are engaged users of and have a strong connection with our brand. Create strong brand awareness and generate a high level of traffic to your site.
Mobile Advertising Mobile advertising is served on a week tenancy basis, Monday to Sunday, and is exclusive. mobile site receives 160,000 impressions per month. Mobile usage has been growing steadily and now accounts for 26% of the site visits.
Lead generation Lead generation offers accountability and ROI with online marketing. The package includes a dedicated landing page, 2 week text advert on the newsletter, 1 shot and text listing on site / newsletter. Options include white / technical papers, surveys and competitions. Image of download Company logo Data capture
Lead generation shot Delivered directly to the inbox of approximately 23,000 registered recipients to drive traffic to your lead generation campaign. Co-branded with The Grocer to optimise click through rates.
Rate card Display (rates are weekly unless otherwise stated) Top leaderboard£590 Top super leaderboard£685 Bottom leaderboard£400 Bottom super leaderboard£460 Top medium rectangle£750 Mid medium rectangle£600 Bottom medium rectangle £450 ½ page£1,015 Billboard£1,525 Interstitial advert£3,105 Background banner£925 Homepage takeover £1,000/day Expandable +15% Video content+15% Newsletter Leaderboard£925 Text advert 1£890 Medium rectangle 1£830 Text advert 2£760 Medium rectangle 2£700 Text advert 3£640 Bespoke £2,780 per send Mobile £500 Lead generation£4,176 package Webinar£8,000 package