How to change things when change is hard. Chip Heath & Dan Heath
Why is change so hard? Find Bright Spots! Put Feelings First.
Surprising research about change… Why Change Is So Hard (4 minutes) 4UA&list=PLJ_0P2YPsW- 1L9xQC7Lpc6_cFVjfyuche
You are simply asking yourself, “What’s working and how can we do more of it?” Dan Heath: How to Find Bright Spots (3.5 minutes) MxFc
Behavior change happens in highly successful situations mostly by speaking to people’s feelings. Dan Heath: Want Your Organization to Change? Put Feelings First (3.5 minutes) eM
1. What looks like resistance is often a lack of clarity. So provide crystal-clear direction. 2. You can’t get your way by force for very long. So it’s critical that you engage people’s emotional side. 3. What looks like a people problem is often a situation problem.
On your own…. Video Review for Switch by Chip and Dan Heath (8 minutes) xVzSsw xVzSsw
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