Ch. 1 Lesson 3 How are plants classified?
biologists sort plants sort plants by how they: 1.transportwater2.reproduce
How plants transport water:
1. vascular plants ssystem of tubes that connect leaves, stems & roots - moves water & nutrients aadds support - plants can get big
eexamples: grass dandelions celery
vascular plants system of tubes that connect leaves, stems & roots - moves water & nutrients
2. nonvascular plants do NOT have: system of tubes true roots stems leaves
Examples of nonvascular plants:
1. mosses largest group of nonvascular plants Reproduce by spores
2. hornworts
3. liverworts
How plants reproduce:
1. flowering plants make seeds & flowers
2. conifers mmake seeds but do not make flowers ggrow 2 kinds of cones
3. spores fferns & mosses ddo not make seeds
Biologists sort plants by how they: 1. t ransport water 2. reproduce
conifers make seeds but do not make flowers grow 2 kinds of cones
vascular plants system of tubes that connect leaves, stems & roots -moves water & nutrients adds support - plants can get big
nonvascular plants Do NOT have: system of tubes true roots stems leaves
mosses largest group of nonvascular plants
spores How do nonvascular plants reproduce?
spores ferns & mosses reproduce by
vascular or nonvascular ? celery vascular
vascular or nonvascular ? nonvascular hornworts
vascular or nonvascular ? dandelion vascular
vascular or nonvascular ? nonvascular liverworts