Creating an Impactful Presentation Tamara Passut, RN, MBA Patient Safety Manager, Fayetteville NC VA Medical Center 4/17/2015
Disclosure The presenter nor those in a position to control content have no relevant financial disclosures to make. There will not be discussion of any off-label, experimental, or investigational use of drugs or devices in this presentation This program is not being supported by any commercial funding.
Objectives 1. Understand how to create a dynamic PowerPoint presentation 2.Identify key elements of a good presentation 3.Have hands-on practice building a presentation 4. Leave with an example template for future use
Outline Layout and design Contents Notes “FLARE” Summary Citations
Creating a Layout and Design PowerPoint automatically gives each new page or “slide” a title and a body - Don’t like that? Great, neither do we! In the “home” tab, click on “layout” where you will see more options. - Don’t like that? Fine! Do whatever you like!
Creating a Layout and Design Fact: PowerPoint can be Boring! Tip: Prevent that! Click on the “design tab” click
Contents Provide disclosure ACCME prohibits logos or brand names Hit your learning objectives Reference evidence-based guidelines/current published research Involve your audience
Contents Keep it Simple Use No more than 4 bullets per slide Slides are for trigger words, not your notes Pictures and graphs get your point across better Don’t read all of the words on your slide There are too many bullets and words on this page Help me to scale this page down to focus on only the MOST important points
Your Notes Keep your notes and resources in the “click to add notes” section at the bottom of this screen You won’t read these, but your will program your brain while you write them Keep focused and do not skip ahead This slide is currently boring and too busy with words. Now, try and edit this slide to minimize the amount of bullets and words on the screen Remember to keep everything on the page related to your header at the top
FLARE Places to get “flare” How to bring it in How to move it around
FLARE Animate your text Delay objects animation by click or timing
Summary Outline Layout and design Contents Notes “FLARE” Summary Citations
References Cite all your references MLA Citation Examples. University of Maryland University College Web. 13 Apr