STAAR A STAAR Alternate 2 Changes to Mathematics Assessments Changes to Writing Assessments Students Receiving Instruction Above Grade Level Standardized Oral Administration (SOA) Changes to the 2014–2015 Assessment Calendar UPDATES
STAAR A is an accommodated version of STAAR for students who meet eligibility requirements. STAAR A will be administered for the first time in spring Grade/CourseSubject 3 mathematics and reading 4 mathematics, reading, and writing 5 mathematics, reading, and science 6 mathematics and reading 7 mathematics, reading, and writing 8 mathematics, reading, science, and social studies EOC Algebra I, English I, English II, biology, and U.S. history
STAAR A will be administered online and will include online tools, embedded accommodations to selections and test questions, and accessibility features. ToolsEmbedded Accommodations Accessibility Features Answer EliminatorPop-upsText-to-Speech HighlighterRolloversZoom EraserBlank Graphic OrganizersColor and Contrast PencilWriting ChecklistsPlace Marker Notepad Dot Tool* Line Tool* Ruler* Calculator* Reference Materials* *These tools are subject-specific and only appear in subject tests where they are relevant. If students are scheduled for this test need to be very familiar with the online tools before test day. They should be practicing using these online tools with the TEA tutorial at
STAAR A will be the same as STAAR in the following ways: passing standards time limits assessed curriculum test blueprint progress measures STAAR A will be different than STAAR in the following ways: no field test questions online administration embedded accommodations and accessibility features
an assessment based on alternate academic standards designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities receiving special education services. a standardized paper-based administered individually to each eligible student. Submitted by the test administrator in an online form. New performance standards will be set in spring 2015 and results will be reported with other STAAR results. State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR ® ) Alternate 2 is:
STAAR ALTERNATE 2 IMPORTANT DATES 9/22/2014 – 10/24/2014Participation counts window 11/5/2014 – 2/27/2015 SDU submission window Registration available 02/20/2015Deadline to order additional materials 1/9/2015 Materials list posted online 1/19/2015 Test session creation 1/23/2015Materials due in district 2/2/2015Proctor caching available 1/23/15 − 2/9/2015 Preview window 2/9/2015 – 2/27/2015STAAR Alternate 2 Assessment Window 2/10/2015 Transfer date: students entering the district February 10 or later will not be assessed 3/2/2015 – 3/3/2015 Data verification Test administrators can continue transcribing student responses 3/6/2015Return nonscorable materials 5/20/2015Grades 3 – 8 reports due in district 6/5/2015EOC reports due in district 5/22/2015
MATH Based on revisions to the mathematics TEKS, the STAAR mathematics assessments are changing for grades 3–8 in spring 2015 to align with the revised TEKS. Raw score information will be provided in spring 2015 New performance standards will be approved in summer 2015 Pass/fail information will be provided in late summer 2015 No SSI second or third administration for mathematics in 2015 (SSI will still be in effect for reading) Graphing calculation devices are now required for all students taking the STAAR grade 8 mathematics test. For accountability purposes only, the state plans to establish a link between the spring 2015 STAAR grades 3-8 mathematics tests and the previous mathematics tests to determine equivalent performance standards.
WRITING Beginning in spring 2015, field-test prompts will no longer be included in operational STAAR assessments. Students will write two essays on the grades 4 and 7 writing assessments, one on each day. Students will write one essay on the English I and II assessments. The grade 7 writing assessment has been restructured to parallel grade 4. The purposes for writing have now been assigned to a particular day for grades 4 and 7. Grade 4: Personal Narrative on Day 1; Expository on Day 2 Grade 7: Expository on Day 1; Personal Narrative on Day 2 Test design schematics for grades 4 and 7 have been revised to reflect this change.
INSTRUCTION ABOVE GRADE LEVEL Students should be administered the STAAR assessments that align to the level of TEKS instruction that they are receiving regardless of their enrolled grade level. USDE denied TEAs request for an ESEA flexibility waiver to avoid double-testing accelerated middle school students taking Algebra I. Meanwhile, TEA will continue to eliminate incentives for double testing students for accountability purposes. Only the results of the Algebra I assessment will be included in the accountability calculations for the campus and the district where the student tested. TEA is considering options regarding testing requirements of these students, accountability, and PBM for this school year. Some options being considered are optional STAAR Algebra II EOC or one of the approved substitute assessments (PSAT, SAT, or ACT math). MORE TO COME… See TAA of August 29, 2014 and November 10, 2014
STANDARDIZED ORAL ADMINISTRATION (SOA) Standardized Oral Administration (SOA), an online option for oral administration has been expanded to include Gr. 5 science and Gr. 6 reading and math. SOA for STAAR in the following grades and subjects: Grade 4 reading and math Grade 5 science Grade 6 reading and math Grade 7 reading and math Grade 8 science and social studies
RELEASE TEST SCHEDULE Due to the math TEKS revisions, the development of the STAAR A, and the redesign of STAAR Alternate the following release test schedule will be followed.
PROGRESS MEASURES Students will not receive a STAAR progress measure for math in grades 4-8. A STAAR progress measure will be reported for the first time for grade 7 writing. A STAAR progress measure will be reported for eligible STAAR A students who took STAAR or STAAR L in Students will not receive a STAAR Alternate 2 progress measure.
ASSESSMENT CALENDAR Revisions posted on the TEA website Assessment Calendar of December 12, 2014 STAAR Alternate 2 testing window expanded to February 9–27, 2015 TAKS offered only in October, March, and July and only online Grades 5 and 8 mathematics not offered in March Administration of STAAR grades 5 and 8 mathematics moved to Monday, April 20, 2015 Report dates have shifted to May 22, including report dates for grades 5 and 8 mathematics STAAR grades 5 and 8 reading scheduled for Tuesday, June 23, 2015
TESTING IRREGULARITIES It’s the Law! Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Title 19. Education Chapter 101. Assessment Subchapter CC. Commissioner’s Rules Division 3. Security of Assessments, Required Test Administration Procedures and Training Activities 19 TAC § Required Test Administration Procedures and Training Activities to Ensure Validity, Reliability, and Security of Assessments. Procedures for maintaining the security and confidentiality of assessments are specified in the: Test Security Supplement, District and Campus Coordinator Manual, and Test administrator manuals Conduct that departs from the test administration procedures as established in these resources is considered a testing irregularity and must be reported to the Student Assessment Division.
TESTING IRREGULARITIES Procedural Irregularities Reflect minor errors or deviations in testing procedures Do not represent severe breaches in security or confidentiality Examples administering the incorrect test failing to provide an accommodation testing an exempt or ineligible student providing an unallowable accommodation failing to actively monitor
TESTING IRREGULARITIES Serious Irregularities Constitute severe violations of test security or confidentiality Can result in the individual(s) being referred to the TEA Educator Certification and Standards Division for consideration of disciplinary action Examples changing or altering an examinee’s response providing a response to a test question identifying incorrect responses for students solving secure test content or scoring a student’s test unauthorized viewing of a test unauthorized disclosure of secure test content fraudulently exempting or preventing a student from taking a required test
PENALTIES A person who engages in conduct prohibited by the Test Security Supplement and in other test administration materials may be subject to the following penalties: placement of restrictions on the issuance, renewal, or holding of a Texas teacher certificate; issuance of an inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand; suspension of a Texas teacher certificate for a set term; or revocation or cancellation of a Texas teacher certificate. It is imperative that your investigation be speedy, accurate, and thorough.
PRINCIPAL’S ROLE IN STATE ASSESSMENT Be knowledgeable Attend training Sign and return oath Actively participate in the assessment process Monitor the process Assist when and where needed Analyze testing data Communicate positively about assessment and results to all stakeholders
ASSESSMENT RESOURCES TEA Student Assessment Division: STAAR FAQs: Assessment Performance Standards: Accountability: NEW