Where excellence and opportunity meet.™ From Classified Personnel to University Personnel: What it Means for UW-Oshkosh
Office of Human Resources What is UPS? Why do we need a new system? What will be different? What will remain the same? Who will be affected? How will changes be implemented?
Office of Human Resources What is UPS? A personnel system effective July 1, 2015 Authorized by Wis. Stat. § A combination of all UW employment governed by the Board of Regents A historic opportunity to enhance and improve the way we manage our human resources
Office of Human Resources Legislative Intent of § , Wisconsin Statutes Titles Compensation Labor Relations Titles Compensation UW-Madison Balance of the UW System Office of State Employment Relations University of Wisconsin
Office of Human Resources What Will be Different? Classified staff will be known as University staff No OSER Governance – now UW System Governance More Flexibility in Compensation Open pay ranges HR recommends salary based on market data Temporary base adjustments Base building and lump sum
Office of Human Resources What Will be Different? (continued) Grievances University staff in permanent status on 6/30/15 will keep right to WERC appeal Terminations will have Board of Regents as last appeal Workplace Expectations will be institution specific
Office of Human Resources What Will be Different? (continued) Layoffs Seniority not the driving factor Layoff decisions by operational area- not classification specific Changes to Benefits
Office of Human Resources Leave and Benefit Changes Annual Leave (vacation) no longer wait 6 months Leave (annual and sick) earned as project will transfer to any successive leave-eligible position Exempt employees – report in ½ or whole day (100%) If banking eligible, can bank current year’s and carryover vacation No longer need to pay back Personal Holiday if leave in first 6 months Vacation credits upon retirement or termination (not for cause) to extend time on payroll at the employer’s discretion Catastrophic Leave – donate & receive from any leave-eligible staff
Office of Human Resources Recruitment Changes No state exams No transfers New search and screen process
Office of Human Resources What Will be Different? (continued) University staff will include only FLSA non- exempt positions over time Classified FLSA exempt staff in permanent status on July 1 will have the option to remain University staff or voluntarily reassign to academic staff FLSA exempt NOT eligible for overtime
Office of Human Resources What Will Remain the Same? Hiring based on merits of the applicant – a civil service system Adhere to inclusive and equal access to fair, merit-based recruitment and assessment processes based on job- related criteria UW employees will remain state employees State group health insurance WRS & ETF
Office of Human Resources Who Will be Affected? Current Classified staff will be directly affected Academic staff will be affected if they supervise current classified employees Will touch everyone in the University to a different degree
Office of Human Resources Voluntary Reassignment to AS HR does assessment of exempt classified staff Current exempt classified staff in “permanent” positions being identified “Crosswalk” of proposed unclassified staff titles being identified for each exempt staff member Will meet with VCs, Deans, and Directors across campus to share the positions in units
Office of Human Resources How Will Changes be Implemented? (continued) HR will meet with staff members to go over their options and answer questions HR will process transactions for those employees wanting to convert to academic staff titles
Office of Human Resources QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS?