Windfarm Siting in North Carolina Bob Leker State Energy Program NC DENR 100 kW Northwind in Boone, NC
Meet early with nearby NC Base Leadership to discuss your project Submit project to FAA for review, early in the siting process Contact NC DENR long before entering official permit process for informal meeting to discuss various permitting requirements
New DOE wind map – 110 meter height w/ areas of 35% capacity factor Old DOE wind map – 80 meter height w/ wind speeds
3 of the 14 items concern DoD bases 1. Submit a description of: ◦ civil air navigation or military air navigation routes ◦ air traffic control areas ◦ military training routes ◦ special-use air space, radar, or other military operations 2. Document potential adverse impact on military operations and readiness as identified by the DoD Clearinghouse and any mitigation action necessary 3. Note whether: ◦ FAA DNH for the turbines associated with the project has been completed or, ◦ Informal review by the DoD Siting Clearinghouse is underway and status of review Other items include: project description, location, lease agreements, property owners, shadow flicker, sound studies, natural resources and wildlife impacts, and decommissioning plan.
Sample elements from Model Solar Ordinance (for solar projects over ½ acre in size within 5 miles of an airport) Determine if airport is an FAA “obligated” airport. Notification of FAA obligated airports should be sent to the local ADO Notification of military airports should be sent to the NC Commander’s Council via mail or Notification of all other airports should be sent to the management of the airport Run the latest version of the SGHAT to assess for glare hazards
Sample elements from Model Wind Ordinance: Number & height of turbines Site plan Compliance w/ local, state, and federal (FCC & FAA) ◦ Including notification of relevant agencies Environmental assessment Decommissioning plan Setback requirements Shadow flicker study Noise study
ROTHR (relocatable over the horizon radar) and downrange radar signal reception reduction Air to air radar problems – especially with low altitude, high- speed maneuvering training Some projects have pursued and obtained agreements from Armed Service Branches for their project - subject to mitigation conditions Other projects adjusted or eliminated problem turbine locations (in the FAA process) Currently, no projects have entered the NC Wind Permitting process.