Overview of Marketing and Marketing Infrastructure in Eastern States and Way Forward Dr. Ashish Kumar Bhutani Joint Secretary (Marketing) DAC,MOA
A. States included- (i) Assam; (ii) Bihar; (iii) Chhattisgarh; (iv) Jharkhand; (v) Odisha;(vi)West Bengal; (vii) Eastern Uttar Pradesh (28 Districts) B. Parameters identified- Major crops in the States Storage/Godown including PEG Cold Storage Infrastructure in APMCs Processing Infrastructure Marketing Reforms
Major Crops grown in Eastern States StateFood grainsFruits and Vegetables AssamPaddyBanana, Pineapple, Orange, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Knolkhol, Raddish BiharPaddy, Wheat, Moong, Arhar, Khesari Litchi, Mango, Guava, Potato, Cauliflower, Okra, Palwal ChhattisgarhPaddy, Soybean, Chana Mango, Litchi, Guava, Tomato, Kundru, JharkhandPaddy, Wheat, Maize, Gram, Arhar, Moong, Urd, Peas Mango, Guava, Aonla, Potato, Tomato, Brinjal, Okra, Tomato OdishaPaddy, Maize, Moong, Arhar, Urd Mango, Pineapple, Banana, Water melon, Onion, Potato, Brinjal, Tomato, Palwal West BengalPaddy, Maize, Moong, Masur, Khesari Mango, Pineapple, Guava, Litchi, Banana, Water melon, Potato, Okra, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Brinjal, Tomato, Palwal Uttar PradeshWheat, Paddy, Maize, Peas, Arhar, Moong, Chana, Urd Mango, Banana, Papaya, Litchi, Guava, Potato, Tomato, Onion, Brinjal, Okra, Palwal, Cucumber
Production of Food Grains, Marketable Surplus, Existing Storage and Additional Requirement StatesFood grain Producti on(LMT) Marketable surplus of Food grains ( avg 55% of Prod.) Existing Storage capacity with different agencies including PEG in LMT Additional Requirement in LMT Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Jharkhand Odisha West Bengal Uttar Pradesh (Whole)
Production of Fruits & Vegetables, Marketable Surplus, Existing Cold Storage and Additional Requirement StatesF &V Produc tion(in LMT) Marketable surplus of F &V ( Avg 77 % of Prod.)-Potato - 77 %- major commodity for cold storage Existing Cold Storage capacity with different agencies (in LMT) Additional Requirement (in LMT) Assam Cold storages are mainly storing potato, and the existing space is not sufficient for storing the marketable surplus of even potato in these states Bihar Chhattisgarh Jharkhand Odisha West Bengal Uttar Pradesh (Whole)
Existing Markets and Additional Requirement StatesExisting Markets Total Requirement based on NCF criteria of one market in 80 sq. km. Additional Requirement of Markets* Assam ( Area is partly hilly, hence requirement may be less) Bihar ( Act is repealed, hence markets/CC can be enhanced in Private sector) Chhattisgarh Jharkhand Odisha West Bengal Uttar Pradesh (Eastern) 167Geographical area is not known There is acute shortage of market in the area. Out of 167 markets, 99 markets do not have any infrastructure * Rural Primary markets have not been considered while calculating addl req of markets
Infrastructure Status of APMC Markets StateParticularsInfrastruct ure in existence Additional requirement AssamStorage Cold storage Grading/Assaying units MT -6500MT -Almost lacking - At least one godown of 500MT in each mkt. -At least one cold storage in each F & V mkt. -At least two units in each RMC BiharAPMC Act repealed, hence available infra. not managed and utilized Not reported ---- ChhattisgarhStorage Cold storage Grading/Assaying units MT -Nil -26 -Mkts in paddy/soybean area should have at least one godown of 2000MT. -At least one cold storage in each F & V mkt. -At least one unit in each Principal Market Yard(PMY)
Infrastructure Status - contd… StateParticularsInfrastruct ure in existence Additional requirement JharkhandStorage Cold storage Grading/Assaying units 2,32,500MT (265 no.) -Nil MT -at least one godown in each market MT (3 nos.) to be in F&V mkt. -28 nos. at least one unit in each PMY OdishaStorage Cold storage Grading/Assaying units (660 nos) -Nil -Paddy procurement centers provided with grading facilities -All mkts of paddy/ maize to have at least one godown of 2000MT -At least one cold storage in each F & V mkt. --At least one units in each RMC
Infrastructure Status - contd… StateParticularsInfrastructure in existence Additional requirement West Bengal Storage Cold storage Grading/Assaying units MT -Nil -Negligible -Requirement not worked out by the state -At least one cold storage in each F & V mkt. --At least one unit in each RMC Uttar Pradesh Storage Cold storage Grading/Assaying units Not Reported -All the mkts to have at least one godown of 500MT -At least one cold storage in all markets in potato growing areas. - One unit in each APMC
Status of Food Processing units under MoFPI StateFood Processing infrastructure Assam -Mega Food Park – 1; IVC, Value addition and preservation – 2; Technology upgradation/establishment./modernization of FPIs -119 Bihar -Mega Food Park – 2; IVC, Value addition and preservation – 1 ;and -Abattoirs – 1; Technology upgradation/establishment./modernization of FPIs -30 Chhattisgarh Nil Jharkhand -Mega Food Park – 1; and Abattoirs – 1; Technology upgradation/establishment./modernization of FPIs -21 Odisha -Mega Food Park – 1; and Abattoirs – 1; Technology upgradation/establishment./modernization of FPIs -65 West Bengal -Mega Food Park – 1, -IVC, Value addition and preservation – 6 -Abattioirs – 2; Technology upgradation/establishment./modernization of FPIs Uttar Pradesh(wh ole) IVC, Value addition and preservation – 3; Technology Upgradation/establishment./modernization of FPIs - 398
Status of Marketing Reforms in Eastern States 11 States Private Market Direct Marketing Contract Farming E- Trading Farmer Markets Single Point Levy Unified License 1 Assam 2 Bihar APMC Act repealed in Chhattisgarh 4 Jharkhand 5Orissa 6West Bengal 7Uttar Pradesh APMC Act not reformed. However, direct marketing for bulk purchase under executive order from time to time. Note:- Private Markets in West Bengal is not clearly provisioned. The word e-marketing has appeared in definition only.
Way Forward States Assam-Promote construction of marketing infrastructure under AMI, other GOI schemes and market development fund. -Complete the process of reforms and notification of rules Bihar-Put in place some institutional mechanism to coordinate and utilize existing infrastructure and development of new infrastructure in public and private sector. Chhattisgarh-Promote construction of marketing infrastructure under RKVY and from market development fund of Marketing Board, access funds from WIF. -Complete the process of reforms and notify the rules. Jharkhand Odisha West Bengal Uttar Pradesh(whole)