Cambodian HE Vision 2030 By Mak Ngoy From Policies to Practices: “Efforts to Excel Cambodia and to Successfully Engage in ASEAN Community through Education” Professional Development Workshop 30 May 2015 Raffles Hotel Le Royal, Phnom Penh
Education Policy 2014-2018 and Beyond Education Strategic Plan 2014-2018 8 Priorities of the Education Action Plan Higher Education Vision 2030
Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2014-18 ESP Background ESP 2001-2005; ESP 2006-2010; ESP 2009-2013, and ESP 2014-2015 Vision To establish and develop human resources with high quality and ethics in order to develop a knowledge-based society within Cambodia. Goals Ensuring equitable access for all education services Enhancing the quality and relevance of learning Ensuring effective leadership and management of education staff at all levels
8 Priorities of the Education Action Plan Improving quality and efficiency of all education Services Strengthening personnel management Strengthening all kinds of National exams Reforming Higher education Developing technical skills and soft skills of youths Implementing public financial management reform Creating an education research council (ERC) Reforming physical education and sport
HE Vision 2030
Overview of Cambodian HE 1940s – First Born HEI 1960s – considered as Glory Period 1970s – Tragic Period 1980s – Reborn (rehabilitation & establishment) 1990s – Reforming/Restructuring/Dev’t (Sort of PPP) Private HEIs Fee-paying in public HEIs Since 2000s – Mushrooming HEIs, especially private HEIs
Overview of Cambodian HE Growing of fragmentation Number of parent ministries/agencies 9 in 2006 11 in 2008 14 in 2014 But MoEYS and MoLVT are the two giants Deconcentration away from Phnom Penh HEIs exist almost in all provinces
Student Gross Enrolment Over 250,000 student enrollment in 2014 Source: UNESCO Institute of Statistics
Overview of Cambodian HE Increasing internationalization Presence of int’l campus & HEIs Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (2008), Nagoya satellite campus (2014) Joint degree programs & exchanges RUPP, RULE, PUC, … Exchanges of students, faculty members, etc. Program using foreign language as Medium of instruction RUPP, PUC, BELTIE, RULE, … Foreign expert & expat holding positions in local HEIs AEU, BBU, PUC, UC, …
Student enrollment Undergraduate Training Distribution by Fields (2011) At post graduate level, business and administration enrollment is even higher
Higher education and development Poverty (% of population) 2009 2010 2011 Rural 27.5 25.3 23.6 Urban 8 8.5 8.7 Source:
Higher education and development
Higher education and development Economic aspect: If Cambodia wants to attract FDI in the range of 6-8% of GDP between now and 2020, Need about 35,000 engineers and another 46,000 technicians by 2018 Is Cambodian HEIs able to provide? Social aspect: does Cambodia have enough social workers? Agriculture Education D&D Health Source: JICA 2012
Cambodian Higher Education Vision 2030 To build a quality HE system that develops human resource with excellent knowledge, skills and moral values to work and live within the era of globalization and knowledge-based society. Goals To develop a good governance system and HE mechanisms to provide quality HE programs which respond to the needs of socio-economic development and labour market.
objectives Create a comprehensive equity and access program Develop relevant curricula for national development and labour market needs Improve quality of learning, teaching and research systems Develop a governance system, mechanisms and policies for HE
8 strategies The 8 strategies aim to ensure that Student will have an equitable access to HE HEIs provide students with quality academic programs HE system maximizes opportunity for lifelong learning and professional development skill HEIs develop quality assurance systems HEIs promote research culture All graduates are equipped with knowledge and skills contributing to national development All programs are developed in conjunction with analysis of national training provision and skill needs Relevant ministries and agencies coordinate and collaborate to develop HE system for the national development
6 Action Plan Organizational Structure The Supreme National Council of Education Technical Working Group on Higher Education Implementing Ministries and Institutes: The Ministry of Education Youth and Sport Higher Education Institutions The Accreditation Committee of Cambodia Parents and Students Development Partners including Civil Society Organizations
6 Action Plan (Cont.,) Legal Framework Financial Support Have basic and necessary law ad regulation Financial Support Lack of finance: need to prioritize investment and intervention Capacity Development Requires qualified human resources in the fields of leadership and management, teaching and research, planning, and data analysis Project Implementation and, Monitoring and Evaluation MoEYS , MoEF and other relevant ministry