P RACTITIONERS‘ N ETWORK FOR E UROPEAN D EVELOPMENT C OOPERATION Annual Meeting of the Practitioners’ Network London, May, 18-19, 2011 Presentations of the Network thematic groups Division of Labour/ Aid Modalities Jean-Marc Bellot, AFD in Brussels Photo : AFD
Division of Labour / Aid Modalities Group Activities of the Group : Fact Sheets Key Figures Fields Lessons Proposals
Fact Sheets Activities of the Division of Labour/Aid Modalities Group In 2010, 2 main events : June : Seminar on the EC Financial Regulation and Aid efficiency (feedback from Mozambique) November : Workshop hosted by BTC on the revision of the Commission’s Financial Regulation In 2011: April : Workshop on Aid effectiveness, (feedback from the AFD study « Regards Croisés »). Delegated Cooperation: DG DEVCO’ Presentation of the new template for Delegation
Key Figures Delegated Cooperation ( ) : 8 delegation agreements (DA) in 2008 31 DA in DA under preparation or signed (for a total amount of € 371 million) 33 transfer agreements (TA) under preparation or signed (for a total amount of € 86 million) Average : DA (€ 4.4 million), TA (€ 4.6 million) DA : minimum amount (€ ) / maximum amount (+/- € 20 million)
Fields Lessons Encouraging significant delegations and transferts volumes Supporting a Division of Labour based on the Comparative Advantages and Added-Value of the EC and the MS Creating the Conditions of Delegated Cooperation : the Cofinancing Arrangements Identifying the DA earlier in the “Project Cycle”
Proposals Maintaining an adequate balance between DA and TA Making “Joint Programming” a reality The EC Financial Regulation : an “opportunity window” for Consolidation and Simplification Reintroducing the DoL Tools in the Strategic debate of EU- Development Policy (ie, “Green Paper”)
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