A-M CHAUVEL - BUREAU VERITAS DNS-DCO Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL Chain link ISO Intermodal Vocabulary Key Players 2009
Booking note: Confirmation of booking of cargo with the shipping line. Cargo declaration: Description of cargo, type of packages, number of packages, gross and net weight, name of consignee and consignor, shipper, place of origin and destination, port of loading and discharge, dangerous goods information. H.-J. Roos - SWH Bremen Intermodal Transport Ships in Service Training Material Bill of Lading: Document issued by the carrier, confirming receipt of cargo in apparent good condition. This document represents the cargo and is negotiable.
Carrier’s Haulage: ( CH ) Inland transport is the responsibility of the Ocean Carrier. H.-J. Roos - SWH Bremen CIF: Transport from point of origin to point of destination is the responsibility of the consignee or his shipper. Customs clearance: Notification by customs that cargo has been cleared either for export or import. Container Freight Station (CFS) or Consolidator: Packing Centre, where LCL cargo is consolidated (packed into a container). Intermodal Transport Ships in Service Training Material
H.-J. Roos - SWH Bremen Export licence: Confirmation of the competent authority that cargo may be exported (weapons, waste, radioactive materials, other cargo on which restrictions are imposed (e.g. Embargo). Free on board (FOB): Responsibility of the Shipper to provide inland transport and cargo handling at terminal; Consignor (Receiver to arrange and pay for ocean transport and inland haulage from port of destination). FCL: Full Container Load. Intermodal Transport Ships in Service Training Material
H.-J. Roos - SWH Bremen Mate’s receipt: Confirmation of the ship’s command that cargo was received on board in apparent good condition. Manifest: List of all cargo on board, providing the details of cargo in accordance with the cargo declaration. LCL: Less Container Load. Import licence: Confirmation of the competent authority that cargo may be imported (weapons, waste, radioactive materials). Intermodal Transport Ships in Service Training Material
H.-J. Roos - SWH Bremen Shipper: The party signing the transport contract (normally a Forwarder). Multimodal Transport : Is the transport of goods by more than one mode of transport under one transport contract and one “ Bill of Lading (B/L) “ Intermodal Transport Ships in Service Training Material Merchant Haulage: ( ML ) Consignee or Forwarder arranges the inland transport.
A-M CHAUVEL - BUREAU VERITAS DNS-DCO Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL Chain link Export 2009
Port National & International Sea Transport NationalBorder National & International LandTransport Land Transport Intermodal Transport : Export Ships in Service Training Material
Manufacturer / Producer (Consignee) Forwarder Booking agent Ocean Carrier (Shipping Company) Inland Container Depot Inland Transport Carrier (road, rail, barge) Inland Terminal CFS / Consolidator Port Cargo Handling Terminal Customs Ship’s agent Ship Stevedores Tally Clerks Export : Key Players Ships in Service Training Material
Manufacturer / Producer (Consignee) - Prepares the goods for transport (packaging, marking, labelling). - Provides detailed description of the cargo. - Decides who arranges transport (himself or a forwarder). - Loads cargo into container (FCL). - Ensures that cargo is correctly described. Export : Role & Responsibilities Ships in Service Training Material
Forwarder (Shipper) - Arranges transport (ocean - inland only in case of Merchant Haulage). - Prepares cargo and export declaration. - Ensures that cargo details are copied correctly. - Gets all required licences (export, import, transit and customs clearance). Booking agent Acts on behalf of the shipping line and confirms ocean transport. Ships in Service Training Material Export : Role & Responsibilities
H.-J. Roos - SWH Bremen Inland Container Depot - Stores empty containers for shipping lines or container leasing companies. - Ensure that containers are fit for transport and are not being tampered with. Ships in Service Training Material Export : Role & Responsibilities
H.-J. Roos - SWH Bremen Inland Transport Carrier (road, rail, barge) - Provides safe inland transport. - Ensures that cargo cannot be tampered with. Ships in Service Training Material Ocean Carrier (Shipping Company) - Provides inland transport (carrier’s haulage only). - Provides safe ocean transport. - Prepares cargo manifest. - Ensures that cargo data are copied correctly and cargo is not being tampered with. - In case of US cargo provides cargo list to US customs (24 hrs prior to loading). Export : Role & Responsibilities
CFS / Consolidator - Consolidates LCL cargo and packs it into a container. - Provides combined cargo declaration. - Ensures that cargo data and contents of container are copied respectively stated correctly and cargo is not being tampered with Port Cargo Handling Terminal - Receives containers and other cargoes. - Stores (Stow) them until arrival of the ship. - Provides cargo handling equipment. - Ensures that cargo is not being tampered with. Ships in Service Training Material Export : Role & Responsibilities
Stevedores - Handles cargoes on board the ship during loading. - Ensures that cargo is not being tampered with. Ships in Service Training Material Tally Clerks - Checks that cargo is loaded in good conditions and corresponds with details of the cargo declaration (cannot verify the contents of a package). - Prepares the container packing certificate. - Ensures that cargo packed into a container or loaded on board corresponds with details of cargo declaration. Export : Role & Responsibilities
H.-J. Roos - SWH Bremen Customs - Checks export declarations and gives export permits. - Check if there are high risk cargoes. - Inspect containers if necessary. Ships in Service Training Material Ship Master sign B/Ls. - Provides safe ocean transport. - Ensures that cargo is not being tampered with. Export : Role & Responsibilities
H.-J. Roos - SWH Bremen Ships in Service Training Material Ship’s agent - Signs B/Ls based on mate’s receipts (if not done by the master). - Prepares manifests. - Sends documents to shipper and agent of discharge port. - Ensures that documents correspond with cargo and container packing declaration Export : Role & Responsibilities
A-M CHAUVEL - BUREAU VERITAS DNS-DCO Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL Chain link Export Contract 2009
H.-J. Roos - SWH Bremen Consignee Consignor Bank Bill of Sale Financial Process Sale Contract Export Contract Ships in Service Training Material
Consignee Prepare booking note Shipping Co. Booking note Ocean Carrier Transport Contract No Arrange myself Booking of cargo Consignee Yes Contract negotiations Co & Fo Forwarder Type of haulage Transport Bill Forwarder Arrange Inland transportation Forwarder MH Combined BL Shipping Co. Contract negotiations with Ship.Co Arrange Inland transportation Shipping Co. CH Transport to Port Transport Contract (1)
Inland Transport arrival to Port Sign B / L Ocean B / L Sign B / L Master Received onboard OK Master Received onboard OK Sign Mate’s receipt Master / Mate Sign B / L Agent Mate’s Receipt Agent Consignor Forwarder Ships in Service Training Material Transport Contract (2)
A-M CHAUVEL - BUREAU VERITAS DNS-DCO Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL Chain link Import 2009
Port National & International Sea Transport NationalBorder National & International LandTransport Land Transport Intermodal Transport : Import Ships in Service Training Material
Consignor Forwarder Customs Broker Ocean Carrier (Shipping Company) Inland Container Depot Inland Transport Carrier (road, rail, barge) Inland Terminal Consolidator / Packing Centre Port Cargo Handling Terminal Customs Ship’s agent Ship H.-J. Roos - SWH Bremen Stevedores Tally Clerks Import : Key Players Ships in Service Training Material
Ship - Brings cargo into the port. - Ensures that cargo is not being tampered with. Ocean Carrier (Shipping Company) - Provides inland transport (carrier’s haulage only). - Informs consignee or his forwarder of arrival. Import : Role & Responsibilities Ships in Service Training Material
Stevedores - Handles cargoes on board the ship. - During discharge ensure that cargo is not being tampered with. Ships in Service Training Material Tally Clerks - Checks that cargo is discharged in good conditions and corresponds with details of the cargo declaration (cannot very the contents of a package). - Ensures that cargo unpacked from a container or discharged from board corresponds with details of cargo declaration. Import : Role & Responsibilities
H.-J. Roos - SWH Bremen Port Cargo Handling Terminal - Receives containers and other cargoes. - Stores them until cargo has cleared customs and release permit has been received from ship’s agent. - Provides cargo handling equipment. - Ensures that cargo is not being tampered with. Ships in Service Training Material Import : Role & Responsibilities
H.-J. Roos - SWH Bremen CFS / Consolidator - Unpacks LCL from a container. - Stores LCL cargo until cargo has cleared customs and release permit has been received from ship’s agent. - Ensures that cargo is not being tampered with. - Only released to authorized persons. Ships in Service Training Material Import : Role & Responsibilities
H.-J. Roos - SWH Bremen Consignee - Appoints custom broker. - Pays import dues. - Decides who arranges transport (himself or a forwarder - Merchant Haulage only). - Ensures that cargo documents and documents required by customs are sent in time to customs broker. Ships in Service Training Material Customs Broker (Acts on behalf of the consignee). - Arranges customs clearance. Import : Role & Responsibilities
H.-J. Roos - SWH Bremen Customs - Checks import declarations and gives import permits. - Check if there are high risk cargoes. - Inspects containers if necessary. Ship’s agent - Releases cargo upon receipt of B/Ls. - Arranges inland haulage (Carrier’s Haulage only). - Ensures that cargo is released only after receipt of B/L. Ships in Service Training Material Import : Role & Responsibilities
H.-J. Roos - SWH Bremen Forwarder - Presents B/L to shipping line agent and receives cargo on behalf of consignee. - Arranges inland transport (only in case of Merchant Haulage ). Ships in Service Training Material Inland Transport Carrier (road, rail, barge) - Provides safe inland transport. - Ensures that cargo cannot be tampered with. Import : Role & Responsibilities
Inland Terminal ( Terminal in the hinterland) - Transfers containers from one mode of transport to another. - Ensures that cargo cannot be tampered with. H.-J. Roos - SWH Bremen Inland Container Depot - Receives and stores empty containers for shipping lines or container leasing companies. Ships in Service Training Material Import : Role & Responsibilities
A-M CHAUVEL - BUREAU VERITAS DNS-DCO Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL Chain link Import Clearance 2009
Forwarder Send B / L to Forwarder Consignee Ocean B / L Arrival notification Arrival of ship in Port Arrange custom Clearance Customs Broker Notify ship arrival Ship’s Agent Allow import of Cargo Customs Import permit Customs release note B / L and Permits B / L’s file Allow physical release of cargo Ship’s agent Cargo release note Import Clearance 1 Ships in Service Training Material
Cargo release note Request physical request of Cargo Forwarder Physical release of Cargo Terml CFS opert Cargo release notes Type of haulage MH Arrange Inland transportation Forwarder Transport bill Transport to Consignor CH Combined B/L Shipping Co. Arrange Inland transportation Ship’s Agent Import Clearance 2 Ships in Service Training Material
H.-J. Roos - SWH Bremen Orders container on behalf of consignee Forwarder Container Depot Road Transport Combi Inland Terminal Train Transport Port Container Terminal Inland Transport (Merchant Haulage) Ships in Service Training Material