EDUCATIONAL SOCIOLOGY COURSE V Meaning and scope of educational Sociology Saramma Mathew
UNIT I: EDUCATIONAL SOCIOLOGY (5 Lectures) a) Meaning and Scope of Educational Sociology b) Influence of Educational Sociology on i) Aims ii) Curriculum iii) Methods of Teaching UNIT II: DEMOCRACY AND MODERNISATION (9 Lectures) a) Education for Democracy—Secularism, Egalitarianism, Effective Citizenship. b) Concept and Characteristics of Modernization c) Role of Education in Modernization— Scientific Temper.
UNIT III: EDUCATION FOR PEACE (14 Lectures) a) Concept and Need of Peace Education b) Education and National Integration i) Barriers to National Integration: Regionalism, Linguism & Communalism. ii) Role of Education in promoting National Integration c) Education and International Understanding i) Barriers to International Understanding: Terrorism, Racism & War ii) Role of Education in promoting International Understanding UNIT IV: EDUCATION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (8 Lectures) a) Concept of Human Rights (Meaning, Need) b) Deprivation of Human Rights: Child Exploitation, Gender Discrimination & Casteism. c) Role of Education in promoting Human Rights.
UNIT V: ESSENTIAL APPROACHES IN EDUCATION FOR DYNAMIC INDIAN SOCIETY (6 Lectures) a) Role of Family & School. b) Alternative Learning Systems. c) Role of Voluntary Organizations in catering to the need of Marginalized groups. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES 1. Projects on Women’s Issues. 2. Visits to places of significance- Rural schools, Voluntary and Government Organizations etc. -
DEFINITION OF EDUCATIONAL SOCIOLOGY “Educational Sociology is the study of the interaction of individual and his cultural environment including other individuals’ social groups and patterns and behaviour. Educational sociologist utilizes all that has been learnt in both the fields but joins them in a new science by applying Sociological concept to the whole process of education. Brown
DEFINITIONS OF EDUCATIONAL SOCIOLOGY Educational sociology starts with the assumption that education is an activity which goes on in the society and the society in turn determines the nature of education. Ottaway Educational sociology its sociology applied to the solution of fundamental educational problems. Roueek
Meaning educational Sociology Educational sociology is a branch of sociology which came into existence as a synthesis between education and sociology. It emphasises that aims of sociology should be achieved through educational process
Meaning of educational sociology A branch of sociology, an applied branch of sociology It is neither sociology nor education. It is a new science A synthesis of sociology and education A science that applies theoretical and practical sociological principle in the field of education
Meaning of educational sociology It is a subject which deals with the interaction of individual and his cultural environment. Examines social processes social interactions social institutions social development and welfare which to understand the nature and problem of education. Is concerned with the development of the individual and society.
Meaning of educational sociology Develops procedural method and plans to bring about desired changes in individuals involved in the education process. Helps the education phenomenon to deal with social complexities of learning.
Scope of educational sociology It examines the mutual relations of teachers, students, parents and community. The place of teachers in a society. Social problems, needs and aspirations such as competition, conflicts and co- operation. Small units of society and their interrelationship.
Scope of educational sociology School and it relationship with local institutions Effect of social life on individuals and group school. Progress of democratic feelings in school. Necessary modifications in curriculum for individual and social growth. Encouragement to critical thinking and investigation
Scope of educational sociology Evaluation of T.V, radio, press, etc as media of social progress Determination of teaching methods for development of child Investigation of all the sources of social restriction and advancement. The role of education in social change and social control The concept of ideal social life and ways and means to achieve