SP 19–2015: Paid Lunch Equity Waiver Guidance for SY 2015-16 & 2016-17 Kentucky Department of Education School and Community Nutrition Deborah Thompson
Paid Lunch Equity Guidance for SY 2015-16 This memorandum extends through SY 2015-16 & 2016-17, the availability of an exemption to the Paid Lunch Equity (PLE) requirement for certain School Food Service Authorities in strong financial standing.
Exemption Determination: Factors for Consideration: Might funds be better used to operate or improve the SFA’s program to meet program requirements and goals, or to address deficiencies in program operations?
Examples for SFA to use Extra Funds: Improvements to the quality of meals Improvements to cafeteria equipment
Exemptions from last year do not carry over to this year Exemptions from last year do not carry over to this year. SFA Must re-apply for SY 2015-16.
KDE SCN’s: exemption documentation includes: Evaluation: All aspects of the FSA Operation Meal Costs Non-program Revenue Compliance with Meal Pattern Standards Compliance with Smart Snacks Standards
SY 2015-15 Exemption factors 1.) Meal Standards, Meal Service & Participation Sponsor has been certified as meeting the meal pattern requirements. SFA is financially prepared to meet future meal pattern requirements. Explain how the SFA is prepared to meet requirements. Sponsor has made simple menu improvements to encourage students to eat healthier meals. Provide examples of improvements, including any taste testing, menu planning by students.
SY 2015-15 Exemption factors Meal Standards, Meal Service & Participation Students participation in SBP and NSLP is strong. (SBP 50% or higher, NSLP 70% or higher. Submit ADP% for SBP and NSLP.) Does the sponsor utilize signage? Other marketing techniques? Provide examples and pictures of signage.
SY 2015-15 Exemption factors 2.) Competitive Foods Sponsor has taken steps toward meeting the new Smart Snacks in schools standards for items sold from the school food service account. Sponsor has utilized the Alliance for Healthier Generations Smart Snacks calculator for all items sold and source documentation is maintained. (Nutrition fact panels or Manufacturer Specifications Sheets). Are there any potential financial considerations associated with these changes? Submit a statement.
SY 2015-15 Exemption factors 3.) Resource Management All paid lunch equity requirements have previously been met (2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, and 2014-15). Submit a completed PLE tool for 2015-16. Provided a written statement of how the required increase to paid lunches would cause the district to exceed a three month operating balance. Submit a balance sheet for February or March, 2015.
SY 2015-15 Exemption factors 4.) Staff/Cafeteria & Kitchen Equipment All child nutrition staff vacancies are filled. All necessary cafeteria and kitchen equipment for storing, preparing and serving healthy meals and competitive food have been purchased.
SY 2015-15 Exemption factors 5.) Administrative Reviews Correct all deficiencies, implemented all corrective actions and complied with any fiscal action identified in the most recent administrative review.
For Further Questions: Deborah Thompson Child Nutrition Program Consultant School and Community Nutrition Kentucky Department of Education Ph. 502-564-5625 Ext. 4928 deborah.thompson@education.ky.gov
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