Regional Review of Sharks and Rays of the Southwest Indian Ocean: Progress Report and Interim Findings Amie Brautigam WCS Marine Policy Advisor Nairobi Convention CoP8 June 2015 Mahe, Seychelles
Regional Review of Sharks and Rays of the Southwest Indian Ocean: Progress Report and Interim Findings Sharks and Rays and the Nairobi Convention CoP7 decision (CP7/12) to incorporate sharks and rays in program of work, undertake regional status report on the state of sharks, and report to the next Conference of Parties Wildlife Conservation Society leading compilation of status report. Currently in draft form. Final report due autumn SWIO Regional Status Report on Sharks and Rays Analyze fisheries, trade, management status and gaps at national and regional level Document successes, constraints, and priority needs Provide suggestions for operationalizing linkages between environment and fisheries sectors around sharks and rays Propose recommendations for consideration by CoP8 Propose species for consideration for listing on Annexes of Convention Protocol
Regional Review of Sharks and Rays of the Southwest Indian Ocean: Progress Report and Interim Findings SWIO Chondrichthyan Fishes 187 marine elasmobranch species recorded by Kiszka and van der Elst (2012, revised 2015) Ca. 4-8 chimaera species complete the SWIO chondrichthyans IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Classifications: 49 (26%) threatened globally 39 (21%) Near Threatened (NT) 62 (33%) Data Deficient (DD) 29 (15.5%) Least Concern (LC) 4 Critically Endangered species includes 3 sawfishes Pristidae 38 (20%) of 187 marine elasmobranchs endemic to SWIO South Africa (9 species) and Mozambique alone harbor 16 of endemic species; 4 species are endemic to Madagascar IUCN Red List Conservation Status: 23DD, 2C R, 2 EN, 5 VU, 3 LC
Regional Review of Sharks and Rays of the South West Indian Ocean: Progress Report and Interim Findings SWIO Shark and Ray Fisheries WIO one of FAO Fishing Areas with highest shark and ray landings during : 14% of global reported catch (FAO Fishstat 2015) Most landings not identified to species and in very general categories (“sharks, rays, skates, etc. nei”) Observer programs for industrial fisheries are scarce Data extremely limited on bycatch and directed take in artisanal fisheries Tanzania and Madagascar are only Nairobi Convention Member States (MS) among top 10 of 33 countries reporting landings from WIO; Taiwan and Spain also among top ten
Regional Review of Sharks and Rays of the Southwest Indian Ocean: Progress Report and Interim Findings SWIO Shark and Ray Exports UN ComTrade ( ): Nairobi Convention MS exported ave. 1,212mt/yr of shark and ray products (1.5% of global exports) South Africa accounted for 89% of regional exports Main product = shark meat No exports recorded for Comoros, Mozambique, Réunion, Seychelles Somalia Hong Kong Customs Statistics ( ): Nairobi Convention MS = ave. 3%/yr of total shark fin imports by China, Hong Kong SAR 7 Nairobi Convention MS recorded as origin of shark fins
Regional Review of Sharks and Rays of the Southwest Indian Ocean: Progress Report and Interim Findings International Mandates 1999 FAO Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks (IPOA-Sharks) calls on all States where shark (chondrichthyan) fisheries operate to conduct shark status assessment and, as needed, develop national Plan of Action (NPOA) South Africa and Seychelles have adopted NPOAs CITES requires inter alia permitting system supported by Non- Detriment Findings (NDFs) for 15 CITES-listed sharks and rays (e.g., oceanic whitetip; scalloped, smooth, and great hammerhead; manta rays) and absolute prohibition on commercial trade in sawfishes CMS Appendix I listing of manta and devil rays and great white shark mandates strict protection IOTC prohibits taking and trade of thresher sharks, requires zero retention of oceanic whitetip shark, and requires specific measures for whale shark
Regional Review of Sharks and Rays of the Southwest Indian Ocean: Progress Report and Interim Findings Interim Findings SWIO is a hotspot of chondrichthyan biodiversity and threat Fisheries and trade in chondrichthyans throughout the region, incl. by distant-water fleets (e.g., Spain, Taiwan) Major gaps in knowledge of species status, fisheries, and trade Fisheries and trade controls vary across region and incomplete in most countries Landings in artisanal fisheries poorly documented for most countries Very little species-specific monitoring and recording Few, if any, measures to limit fishing and fishing mortality Numerous constraints to improved management including lack of technical, staff, and logistical capacity, inadequate knowledge, political will
Regional Review of Sharks and Rays of the Southwest Indian Ocean: Progress Report and Interim Findings Recommendations to National Governments National legal protection for CR and EN chondrichthyans, particularly sawfishes Pristidae spp. Strengthen monitoring of chondrichthyan fisheries and trade, including species-level recording and reporting Adopt management measures to limit fishing mortality of chondrichthyans by targeted and incidental fishing Expand bycatch reduction and mitigation, e.g., gillnets, for sharks and rays and other vulnerable marine vertebrates
Regional Review of Sharks and Rays of the South West Indian Ocean: Progress Report and Interim Findings Recommendations for Regional Efforts for Nairobi Convention CoP8 Undertake regional Shark Status Assessment and Develop Regional Plan of Action for Conservation and Management of Sharks under FAO IPOA-Sharks Review and revise list of chondrichthyan species to be considered for listing on the Annexes of the Convention protocol Facilitate the convening of a regional IUCN Red List workshop to assess regional conservation status of sharks and rays and build collaborations Engage with CITES to implement capacity-building efforts in support of effective CITES implementation and broader trade controls for CITES-listed and other heavily traded chondrichthyans Expand membership in and engagement with CMS and CMS Sharks MOU Engage with IOTC and SWIOFC to collaborate in management and conservation of sharks and rays
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