Hardness-Aware Restart Policies Yongshao Ruan, Eric Horvitz, & Henry Kautz IJCAI 2003 Workshop on Stochastic Search
Randomized Restart Strategies for Backtrack Search Simple idea: randomize branching heuristic, restart with new seed if solution is not found in a reasonable amount of time Effective on a wide range of structured problems (Luby 1993, Gomes et al 1997) Issue: when to restart?
Complete Knowledge of RTD P(t) t D T*
No Knowledge of RTD Can we do better? Information about progress of the current run (looking good?) Partial knowledge of RTD
Answers (UAI 2001) – Can predict a particular run’s time to solution (very roughly) based on features of the solver’s trace during an initial window (AAAI 2002) – Can improve time to solution by immediately pruning runs that are predicted to be long Scenario: You know RTD of a problem ensemble. Each run is from a different randomly-selected problem. Goal is solve some problem as soon as possible (i.e., you can skip ones that look hard). In general: optimal policy is to set cutoff conditionally on value of observed features. LongShort Observation horizon Median run time
Answers (continued) (CP 2002) – Given partial knowledge about an ensemble RTD, the optimal strategy uses the information gained from each failed run to update its beliefs about the shape of the RTD. Scenario: There is a set of k different problem ensembles, and you know the ensemble RTD of each. Nature chooses one of the ensembles at random, but does not tell you which one. Each run is from a different randomly-chosen problem from that ensemble. Your goal is to solve some problem as soon as possible. In general: cutoffs change for each run.
Answers (final!) (IJCAI 2003 Workshop) – The unknown RTD of a particular problem instance can be approximated by the RTD of a sub-ensemble Scenario: You are allowed to sample a problem distribution and consider various ways of clustering instances that have similar instance RTD’s. Then you are given a new random instance and must solve it as quickly as possible (i.e., you cannot skip over problems!) Most realistic?
Partitioning ensemble RTD by instance median run-times Ensemble RTD Instance median < ensemble median Instance median > ensemble median
MSE versus number of clusters
Computing the restart strategy Assume that the (unknown) RTD of the given instance is well-approximated by the RTD of one of the clusters Strategy depends upon your state of belief about which cluster that is Formalize as an POMDP: State = state of belief Actions = use a particular cutoff K Effect = { solved, not solved }
Solving Bellman equation: Solve by dynamic programming (ouch!) Probability that running with cutoff t in state s fails (resulting in state s’) Optimal expected time to solution from belief state s
Simple Example Suppose RTD of each instance is a scaled Pareto controlled by a parameter b Uniform[11, 200] Median run time = 2b, so medians are uniformly distributed in [22, 200] Cluster into two sub- distributions Median 110 Median > 110 Dynamic programming solution: 201,222,234,239,242,244 …
Empirical Results
Summary Last piece in basic mathematics for optimal restarts with partial information See paper for details of incorporating observations RTD alone gives log speedup over Luby universal (still can be significant) Unlimited potential for speedup with more accurate run-time predictors!