Jeopardy The Sexual Harassment Edition
Definitions Rules, Regulations, Guidelines & Law What Next (or What’s Not Next)? Facts About Sexual Harassment Risk Management Measures $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
It occurs when (1) job benefits, including employment, promotion, salary increases, shift or work assignments, performance expectations and other conditions of employment, are made contingent on the provision of sexual favors, usually to an employer, supervisor or agent of the employer who has the authority to make decisions about employment actions, or (2) the rejection of a sexual advance or request for sexual favors results in a tangible employment detriment, a loss of a job benefit of the kind described above
What Is Quid Pro Quo?
It refers to a situation where employees in a workplace are subject to a pattern of exposure to unwanted sexual behavior from persons other than an employee's direct supervisor where supervisors or managers take no steps to discourage or discontinue such behavior
What Is Hostile Environment?
It refers to the firing, demotion or harassing against people because they reported to their employer
What Is Retaliation?
It refers to treating someone less favorably because of his or her connection with an organization or group that is generally associated with people of a certain sex
What Is Gender Stereotyping?
It is occurs when the harassment is committed not by another employee, but by an outsider. Typical perpetrators of this type of harassment include clients, customers, vendors who come on site or otherwise interact with employees, independent contractors who work for the company, and employees or contractors of a different company
What Is Third Party Sexual Harassment?
It is the law that protects employees from unwanted sexual advances in the work place
What is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
It is the governing agency responsible for investigating and prosecuting sexual harassment claims
What is the EEOC?
According to the EEOC, this is the best tool to eliminate sexual harassment.
What Is Prevention?
It is the number of employees a private employer must have in order to be subject to sexual harassment EEOC laws.
What is 15?
Lost wages, future lost wages, compensatory damages, attorney costs and court fees
What Are Employer Penalties for Sexual Harassment?
The employer should send the accused and accuser home during an investigation of sexual harassment with this
What is Paid Leave?
An employee evaluation following a sexual harassment incident should consider this?
What is Poor Job Performance?
You should never require the accuser of sexual harassment to do this before reporting?
What Is Confront the Alleged Accused?
You should be mindful of this to those who cooperate in the investigation of harassment.
What Is Retaliation?
This should be avoided at all costs following an inconclusive sexual harassment investigation?
Adverse Employment Decision
Victims and harassers can be this.
What Are Men or Women?
Harassers can take on many forms including both of these
What Are the Victim's Co-worker or a Non-employee?
The victim does not have to be the person harassed but could be one of these.
What is Anyone Affected By the Offensive Conduct?
Unlawful sexual harassment can occur without any one of these happening to the victim.
What is Economic Injury or Discharge?
In order for sexual harassment to have occurred, the conduct must be this
What Is Unwelcome?
It refers to company’s position on unwelcome sexual conduct
What Is The Sexual Harassment Policy?
It refers to an employee’s responsibility of witnessing sexual harassment
What Is Reporting to HR?
It refers to an employer’s responsibility when receiving a complaint of sexual harassment.
What is Conduct an Investigation?
It may be a good idea for an employer to seek this when making an employment decision following an investigation
What is Legal Advice?
The employer may want to buy this in the event that an investigation does not end well for either the accused or the accuser
What is Employment Practices Liability?