Making use of Enzymes Text p
Syllabus points to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using enzymes in home and industry. Some microorganisms produce enzymes which pass out of the cells. These enzymes have many uses in the home and in industry. In the home, biological detergents may contain protein-digesting and fat-digesting enzymes (proteases and lipases). Biological detergents are more effective at low temperatures than other types of detergents In industry: − proteases are used to.pre-digest. the protein in some baby foods − carbohydrases are used to convert starch into sugar syrup − isomerase is used to convert glucose syrup into fructose syrup, which is much sweeter and therefore can be used in smaller quantities in slimming foods. In industry enzymes are used to bring about reactions at normal temperatures and pressures that would otherwise require expensive, energy demanding equipment. However most enzymes are denatured at high temperatures and many costly to produce.
Objectives Enzymes from micro organisms have many uses in the home and industry Proteases and lipases are used in the manufacture of biological detergents Proteases carbohydrases and isomerase are used in food manufacture Advantages and disadvantages of using enzymes in home and industry
Enzymes in the home How many items are made using enzymes?
Confectionary A type of enzyme called isomerase converts the sugar glucose into fructose, another type of sugar. Fructose is sweeter than glucose, so a smaller amount is needed. This makes fructose syrup a useful ingredient in slimming foods. Invertase is used to create soft-centered chocolates. The centre initially contains sucrose (cane sugar) and is hard. The invertase breaks down the sucrose into the simpler sugars glucose and fructose, making the centre soft and runny.
How do enzymes help to clean clothes? The enzymes are coated with a special wax that melts in the wash, releasing the enzymes. Once the stains have been broken down, they are easier for the detergent to remove. Biological washing powders and liquids contain enzymes that help remove stains. Proteases break down proteins in stains such as grass, blood and sweat. Lipases break down stains containing fat and oil. Carbohydrases break down carbohydrate-based stains, such as starch.
Are enzymes the future?
How are Enzymes used in Industry? IndustryEnzymeFunction of enzymes ConfectionaryCarbohydrase Slimming Baby foodStarts off the digestion of food Fruit juice Biological detergent Protease Biological detergent
How are enzymes used in industry? IndustryEnzymeFunction of enzymes ConfectionaryCarbohydraseStarch broken down to glucose SlimmingIsomeraseGlucose turned to fructose – much sweeter than glucose used in ‘slimming’ foods Baby foodProtease and Lipase Starts off the digestion of food Fruit juicePectinaseMakes juice clear Biological detergentProteaseBreaks down protein stains e.g. blood Biological detergentLipaseBreaks down fat stains
Textp.187 – summary of advantages and disadvantages of enzymes advantagesdisadvantages Work at relatively low temperatures Denatured by high temperatures Work at relatively low pressures Sensitive to pH changes Efficient catalystsIf whole organisms need food, oxygen and waste products removed