Objective: Investigate Spanish restaurant menus C O G N A T E S opinion
save this presentation in under your own name and it to me when you are done If you see the star symbol, it is an extra challenge. It is worth 10 puntos if you give it a go! Each slide you complete is worth 5 puntos.
Click here to go to the Casa Alberto restaurant website Scroll down and read the Spanish to say if these statements are true or false. Don’t worry about reading every word- scan for key words and use your knowledge of cognates to help you! Highlight the correct answer!!! 1.You can’t pay by credit card. True/false 2.There is a terrace. True/false 3.The price range is euros. True/false 4.The food is traditional Madrid food. True/false Remember: a cognate is a Spanish word that looks similar to the English.
ia.html Scroll down and find the Spanish for… The bar menu (for tapas) Restaurant menu Desserts Group bookings menu ¿ Qué plato recomendarías? ¿Por qué ?
Click here for 100 Montaditos menuClick here for 100 Montaditos menu and fill in the grid Montadito number ingredientesEnglish 1Jamón reserva con aceite de oliva.Ham with olive oil montaditos is a chain of restaurants in Spain. A ‘montadito’ is a small bread roll with different fillings. There are 100 – that’s why it’s called ‘100 montaditos’! To order, you have a paper menu. You simply tick the ones you want on the menu, write your name on it, and hand it in to the bar. Then, they call your name when your order is ready.
Montadito number ingredientesEnglish 11Jamón reserva con aceite de oliva.Ham with olive oil
Invent your own Montadito! Give it a Spanish name, a price and list the ingredients. Nombre: Precio: Ingredientes: Recommend your Montadito in Spanish!