Autonomous citizens in United Europe Project realised by: Youth Europe Service Action n. 06-ITA01-S2G in the framework of the programme SOCRATES – GRUNDTVIG 2
The association Y.E.S. (Youth Europe Service) was born in January Y.E.S. is a no profit Tourist association which, with Christian, democratical principles, respecting the personal freedom, wants to realise, in the social and environmental field: Integration of people with disabilities or disadvantaged Mutual knowledge between people, to develop solidarity and assert the principle of civil living together; knowledge, protection of the historical, cultural, artistic patrimony; Development of the social, cultural and sports activities to create a European nationality Promotion of annual events among the 500 members, activities such as giving information, realisation of exchanges and voluntary services, organisation of cultural events
It organises Training courses for young and adults Training courses for young and adults Information points for young and adults; Information points for young and adults; social, cultural, educational,, sports activities, for the knowledge of art, culture, music, etc.; social, cultural, educational,, sports activities, for the knowledge of art, culture, music, etc.; campaigns for peace, brotherhood and solidarity; campaigns for peace, brotherhood and solidarity; activities for the progress of the U.E. and the other countries with charity bazaar activities for the progress of the U.E. and the other countries with charity bazaar activities to protect nature, environment activities to protect nature, environment activities of realisation of didactical material activities of realisation of didactical material activities of cooperation with Institutions and Organizations, having the same principles. activities of cooperation with Institutions and Organizations, having the same principles.
It has today 500 members, 100 operating continuously in the fields of the organisation, it is registered in the Regional Register of the Associations and is affiliated to a national organisation operating in the same fields. It is the promoter of the European Network named E.N.L.T. - EUROPEAN NETWORK OF LOCAL TOURISM It has today 500 members, 100 operating continuously in the fields of the organisation, it is registered in the Regional Register of the Associations and is affiliated to a national organisation operating in the same fields. It is the promoter of the European Network named E.N.L.T. - EUROPEAN NETWORK OF LOCAL TOURISM It is recognized by Presidency of Minister’s Council as Organization of National Civil Service. It is recognized by Presidency of Minister’s Council as Organization of National Civil Service. It’s also part of the network C.T.S. (CENTRE OF TOURISM FOR STUDENTS) It’s also part of the network C.T.S. (CENTRE OF TOURISM FOR STUDENTS)
The CTS is a free association of social promotion that is engaged in order to stimulate and to facilitate the use of the free time from the young people. Its principal objectives are: The CTS is a free association of social promotion that is engaged in order to stimulate and to facilitate the use of the free time from the young people. Its principal objectives are: spreading of juvenile mobility and types of responsible tourism; acquaintance and safeguard of natural areas and of historical, artistic and cultural world-wide patrimony.
CTS, as environmentalist association, makes promoter of multiple initiatives of sensibilization on the topics of the atmosphere: CTS, as environmentalist association, makes promoter of multiple initiatives of sensibilization on the topics of the atmosphere: it organizes camps of study and research in Italy and abroad; it promotes plans of environmental education and activity of search and promotion on the tourism in the Italian parks.
The activities of the CTS confirm its engagement in diffusing a new culture of the travel and in favoring shapes of sustainable tourism. The activities of the CTS confirm its engagement in diffusing a new culture of the travel and in favoring shapes of sustainable tourism.
Year 2000 Bus Ambiente 2000 (Programme: Youth - Action 3 – Youth initiatives) Bus Ambiente 2000 (Programme: Youth - Action 3 – Youth initiatives) Year 2001 Viaggio intorno all’arte e cultura della Basilicata (Programme: Youth - Action 1 – Bilateral exchange) Viaggio intorno all’arte e cultura della Basilicata (Programme: Youth - Action 1 – Bilateral exchange) European Network for Local Tourism (Programme: Youth - Action 5 – Transnational network) European Network for Local Tourism (Programme: Youth - Action 5 – Transnational network) Young in Europe (Programme: Youth - Action 1 – Bilateral exchange) Young in Europe (Programme: Youth - Action 1 – Bilateral exchange) Seminario di contatto per scambio di esperienze nel programma Gioventù – partner (Programme: Youth - Action 5 – Contact Seminar) Seminario di contatto per scambio di esperienze nel programma Gioventù – partner (Programme: Youth - Action 5 – Contact Seminar)
Year 2002 Our Nature (Programme: Youth - Action 1 – Bilateral exchange) Our Nature (Programme: Youth - Action 1 – Bilateral exchange) Young News (Programme: Youth - Action 3 – Networking) Young News (Programme: Youth - Action 3 – Networking) Year 2003 Escucha Europa – partner (Programme: Sostegno ad ONG nel 2003) Escucha Europa – partner (Programme: Sostegno ad ONG nel 2003) N.A.M Programme: Youth - Action 1 – Trilateral exchange) N.A.M Programme: Youth - Action 1 – Trilateral exchange) International work placement for Tourism Management Students – partner (Programme: Leonardo – Mobility) International work placement for Tourism Management Students – partner (Programme: Leonardo – Mobility)
Year 2004 Sviluppo e valorizzazione di competenze nel turismo sociale (Programme: Socrates – Grundtvig 2) Sviluppo e valorizzazione di competenze nel turismo sociale (Programme: Socrates – Grundtvig 2) Year 2005 InformaStudenti (Programme: NATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE -ITALY) InformaStudenti (Programme: NATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE -ITALY) Sviluppo e valorizzazione di competenze nel turismo sociale – anno 2 (Programme: Socrates – Grundtvig 2) Sviluppo e valorizzazione di competenze nel turismo sociale – anno 2 (Programme: Socrates – Grundtvig 2) HUMAN-COM. Tourism Business Human Ressources Management Students placement – hosting partner (Programme: Leonardo – Mobility) HUMAN-COM. Tourism Business Human Ressources Management Students placement – hosting partner (Programme: Leonardo – Mobility)
Year 2006 HUMAN-COM. Tourism Business Human Ressources Management Students placement (year 2)– hosting partner (Programme: Leonardo – Mobility) HUMAN-COM. Tourism Business Human Ressources Management Students placement (year 2)– hosting partner (Programme: Leonardo – Mobility) Autonomous citizens in United Europe - year 1 (Programme: Socrates – Grundtvig 2) Autonomous citizens in United Europe - year 1 (Programme: Socrates – Grundtvig 2) En.He. – Environmental Heritage - year 1 (Programme: Socrates – Grundtvig 2) En.He. – Environmental Heritage - year 1 (Programme: Socrates – Grundtvig 2)
We have realised One power point presentation on “European Networks” One power point presentation on “European Networks” One power point presentation on “European Organisms” One power point presentation on “European Organisms” One survey on “Europe” One survey on “Europe” One power point presentation on “EU Enlargement” One power point presentation on “EU Enlargement” One power point presentation on “What is YES” One power point presentation on “What is YES”