Español 1 lunes el 23 de marzo Daily Warm Up (get new sheet) PRUEBA DE VOCABULARIO 5.1 (QUIZ 5.1) Correct Posesivos worksheet Tarea (HW): BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!!


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Presentation transcript:

Español 1 lunes el 23 de marzo Daily Warm Up (get new sheet) PRUEBA DE VOCABULARIO 5.1 (QUIZ 5.1) Correct Posesivos worksheet Tarea (HW): BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!! Vocab Quiz next Monday!!

Warm Up: Spanish1 lunes 3/16 Verb Conjugation Game -juego del conejo

Español 2 lunes el 16 de marzo Daily Warm Up (get new sheet) Indirect Object Pronouns (IOPs) – Video – Finish notes practice problems Vocab 2.2 definitions Tarea (HW): -Review IOP notes & study new vocab 2.1 BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!! 2.1 Vocab Quiz Wednesday!!

Warm Up: Spanish2 lunes 3/16 Answer the questions using your notes or pg. 50: 1.What are the IOPs (indirect object pronouns)? 2.What question do they answer when used in a sentence? 3.Where can they be placed in a sentence?

Español 1 martes el 17 de marzo Daily Warm Up Finish Q & A notes En Casa con la familia worksheet Tarea (HW): -Study 5.1 vocab and Q & A notes BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!! 5.1 Vocab Quiz (prueba) Monday!

Warm Up: Spanish 1 martes 3/17 Write the Spanish word for each family member: 1.Mom 2.Dad 3.Sister 4.Grandpa 5.Dog (male)

Español 2 martes el 17 de marzo Daily Warm Up Go over 2.2 vocab IOPs are Awesome worksheet Tarea (HW): -Finish worksheet (if not done) -Study new vocab 2.2 BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!! 2.2 Vocab Quiz Monday!

Warm Up: Spanish 2 martes 3/17 Cosas in la Casa worksheet -side 1 (the rooms) -side 2 (the chores)


Español 1 miércoles el 18 de marzo Daily Warm Up Possessive Adjectives – Video – Notes (apuntes) Los Adjetivos Posesivos: possessive adjectives worksheet Tarea (HW): -study vocab 5.1 list & possessives notes BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!! 5.1 Vocab Quiz Monday! (prueba el lunes)

Warm Up: Spanish 1 miércoles 3/18 Finish each statement with the proper family member term (en español): 1.La madre de mi primo es mi __________. 2.El padre de mi padre es mi ___________. 3.Los hijos de mis tios son mis __________. 4.La hermana de mi madre es mi ________.

Español 2 miércoles el 18 de marzo Daily Warm Up White Board – IOPs & vocab 2.2 En el vecenidario (workbook packet) Tarea (HW): -Finish packet -Study new vocab 2.2 BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!! 2.2 Vocab Quiz Monday! (prueba el lunes)

Warm Up: Spanish 2 miércoles 3/18 Match the object with the correct room in the house. 1.___la ducha 2.___la cama 3.___las flores 4.___el fregadero 5.___el carro/coche a.El garaje b.La habitación c.La cocina d.El jardín e.El baño When done, pick up a white board & supplies. 2 rows at a time, por favor

Español 1 jueves el 19 de marzo Daily Warm-Up Possessives wksht (get a highlighter) La Familia Bingo Tarea (HW): -Study the vocab 5.1 & possessive notes BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!! Vocab 5.1 Quiz Monday!!

Warm Up: Spanish 1 jueves 3/19 Use your vocab list to help pick the class names. Write out and fill in the correct possessive adjective for each statement. 1.(my) _____ carpetas. 2.(your) _____ libro. 3.(*our) _____ padres. 4.(their) _____ cousin. 5.(*our) _____ mom.

Español 2 jueves el 19 de marzo Daily Warm-Up Correct IOPs are Aweswome wksht. SINGO Partner practice Tarea (HW): -Study new vocab 2.2 & IOP notes BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!! 2.2 Vocab Quiz Monday!!

Warm Up: Spanish 2 jueves 3/19 Translate the following phrases. All are verbs followed by infinitives. 1.You should feed the dog. 2.Please water the plants. 3.It’s necessary to sweep the floors. 4.You have to clean your room.

Español 1 viernes el 20 de marzo Daily Warm Up & Turn In Correct En Casa con Familia worksheet Partner Quiz/Review for Quiz Quizlet practice as a class (if time) Tarea (HW): -Study vocab 5.1 BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!! Vocab Quiz Monday (Prueba 5.1 el lunes)!

Warm Up: Spanish 1 viernes 3/20 Pick 20 Vocab! -pick 10 words you know the least from side 1 and write them once in Spanish & English. -pick 10 words you know the least from side 2 and write them once in Spanish & English. -staple to your warm-up & turn in. I need to check in your Posessivos worksheet!!

Partner Practice Quiz Take turns quizzing each other on the vocab 5.1 (English & Spanish) Use white boards and have them write it out. Ask verbally and have them say it.

Español 2 viernes el 20 de marzo Daily Warm Up & Turn In Vocab Review Games – SINGO – Connect 4/Super Tic Tac Toe Tarea (HW): -Study vocab 2.2 BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!! 2.2 Vocab Quiz Monday!!

Warm Up: Spanish 1 viernes 3/20 Pick 20 Vocab! -pick 10 words you know the least from side 1 and write them once in Spanish & English. -pick 10 words you know the least from side 2 and write them once in Spanish & English. -staple to your warm-up & turn in. I need to check in your Wookbook packet!!

Warm Up: Spanish 2 viernes 3/20 IOP sentences-Translate into Spanish using IOPs. *placed attached to infinitive or gerund!!! 1.I am cleaning for my mom. 2.Paco is going to give flowers to Sara. 3.The policeman has to give you a ticket(muleta). 4.Please cut the grass for me.

EXAMEN AHORA/TEST NOW! 1.After the TEST, get out your book. 2.Pick up the 5.1 vocab sheet & define the terms using your book.(pg.187) 3. Wait quietly until I say all tests are in.

EXAMEN AHORA/TEST NOW! 1.After the TEST, get out your book. 2.Read the Present Tense of –er & -ir Verbs box on pg Wait quietly until I say all tests are in.

El Juego del Conejo Roll the die and move that number of spaces – Roll second die to see which subject you get. – Conjugate the verb correctly and you stay on your spot. If you can’t, you go back to your last spot. Who ever gets to the end (el fin) first, wins! Pierde un turno=Lose a turn Avanza dos espacios=move ahead 2 1.Yo4. Nosotros 2.Tú5. Vosotros 3.Ella6. Ellos