Loading Addins In Excel 2007 For BRB-ArrayTools,BRB-CGHTools, and RServer
Excel Options 1. Click on the Microsoft ‘Office’ button on the top left corner of the Excel menu. 2. Then, select the “Excel Options” button on the bottom right.
Trust Center 3. Click on “Trust Center” 4. Then click on “Trust Center Settings”
Marco Settings 5. Choose the “Macro Settings” from the left hand panel. 6. Check “Enable all macros” and “Trust access to VBA project.” 7. Click the “OK” button.
Add-Ins Tab 8. Choose the “Add-ins” option from the left hand tab. 9. Click “BRB-ArrayTools” on the Active or Inactive application add-in. 10. Hit the “Go” button down at the bottom.
Add-Ins 11. Check all the three “Add-ins”, BRB-ArrayTools, RServer and CGHTools. 12. Then click OK. Note: if any one is not listed in the Add-ins box, browse for the files.
Browse 13. Click on the Browse from the Add-ins button.
Browse for ArrayTools The default path for the BRB-ArrayTools add-in is: C:\Program Files\ArrayTools\ArrayTools\Excel\ArrayTools.xla
Select ArrayTools Select the “ArrayTools” and click “OK”.
Select RServer To include the RServer add-in, select the browse button again. The default path for the RServer add-in is: C:\Program Files\ArrayTools\Excel\RServer.xla Then click “OK”.
Browse and Select CGHTools To include the CGHTools add-in, select the browse button again. The default path for the BRB-CGHTools add-in is: C:\Program Files\CGHTools\Excel\CGHTools.xla Then click “OK”.
Check Add-Ins If you don’t see the “Add-ins” ribbon along side “Home Insert…Review View” panel at the top then please close Excel and re-start. On clicking on Add-Ins tab, all the three Add-Ins should be listed there namely: ArrayTools, CGHTools and RServer add-ins. For additional details please refer to the “ReadMe” file located under the “ArrayTools” installation folder.