La Famille Name??La Famille La Famille – French
Bonjour, comment t’appelles-tu? Hello, What is your name?
Bonjour, je m’appelle Marc. Hello, my name is Marc
Bonsoir, comment vous appelez-vous? Good Evening, what is your name? (formal)
Bon apres midi, comment s’appelle-t-il? Good Afternoon, what is his name?
Comment s’appellent-elles? What are their name? (feminine)
Mother La mere
Father Le pere
Brother Le frere
Sister La soeur
cousin (girl) La cousine
la tante aunt
l’oncle uncle
grand father Le grand-pere
grandparents Les grands-parents
la belle-fille Son-in-law le beau-fils Daughter-in-law DAILY DOUBLE
la fille daughter
le fils son
le petit-fils grandson
la petite fille Grand daughter
les beaux parents Parents-in-law
la femme wife
le mari husband
Est-ce que vous avez des freres? Do you have any brothers?
Avez-vous des soeurs? Do you have any sisters? DAILY DOUBLE
Bon Chance!! Good Luck!!