+ “Turn off your mobile, do not turn off your life” Karen Arrieta Ramírez Pilar Bautista García de Presno María Gabriela Sáenz Baltazar Marcela Vázquez López Valeria Vega Cortes
+ Objective Inform and raise awareness in the community, through a video about how dangerous it is to drive a car while using the mobile phone.
+ Making the survey
+ Answering the survey
+ Analizing the surveys
+ Discussing the last details
+ Number of girls who helped answering the survey 16 girls which represent the 37.21% are the students of the Senior Year (6) 12 girls which are 27.91% represents the students of junior year (5) 34.88% are equivalent to 12 students of sophomore year (4). All the students who realized the survey (43) were chosen at random inside a population of 200 girls that study at The UP High School
+ Population that drives The survey was applied to 43 students of the UP High School of which: 37 students represent the 88% that drive 6 students, 14% of the sample don´t drive
+ Mobile while driving 59% of the student participating in the survey, in a population of 37 use their mobile phone wile driving. Where as 41% of the students don´t use their mobile phone while driving.
+ The survey
+ Questions of the survey We notice with this survey applied to the students of the Preparatoria de la Universidad Panamericana campus Yaocalli, that 50% of the students do not drive with their mobile phone covering a range of 1-3, and the other 50% between 3-10 that do it frequent. Having a trend of 9 and the frequency of 1 and 3.
+ The frequent trend of driving and using the mobile phone is, frequency is 1 with a trend of 9. The mean of the frequency is 2. Questions of the survey
+ We can note a trend of 16 and the frequency of 1. The mean is set in the frequency 2. The 50% of the range can be found between 1-2 and the 50% that remains goes from Questions of the survey
+ There are just a few girls that take selfies when they are driving. Questions of the survey
+ The 70% of the population consider the risk of driving and using their mobile phone is extremely dangerous. Meanwhile results show that the other 30% consider the dangers of using their mobile phone in a range between 7-9.
+ Questions of the survey The 62.17% consider that many accidents occur because people use their phones, which frequency is 10. The 29.73% can be found in the regularity of 7-9. The other 8.10% is seen is the regularity of 4-6.
+ Proposals to avoid the use of the mobile phone while driving Taking their licence away1 A higher fine18 Turning off their phone6 Create awareness of the dangers 7 Speakers or handsfree4 Inform people of the consequences 4 Taking the signal out when they are driving 1 Only being able to recieve emergency calls 1 Using the mobile phone only in the stop sign 2 Smart systems5 Total49