Based on data drawn from an initial sample of 216,089 respondents Spring 2009 Prepared by Poker Players Research Ltd. A FEW EXAMPLE CHARTS The following charts are a tiny selection of those that have been produced on the Spring 2009 data. The countries covered by this Spring 2009 wave of research were; U.S.A., Canada, U.K., France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Spain, Holland, Belgium, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, Australia. For more information or examples of Spring 2010 data please contact
Based on data drawn from an initial sample of 216,089 respondents Spring Playing Any Poker At All- Any Region- At Least Once A Month 39.2m 39.7m 41.8m Total Number Of players – Trends All Players All Regions + 2.0% + 8.7% ’09 v ‘08 ’09 v ’ m Spring-09 Percentage Change Spring-08 Winter-07Autumn-06 Prepared by Poker Players Research Ltd.
Based on data drawn from an initial sample of 216,089 respondents Spring Playing Online Poker For Real Money At Least Once A Month Number Of Players And Percentage Of Population By Country CountryAdult Population (millions) Total Weighted Penetration Number of Players (thousands) TOTAL %13,806 USA % 6,172 Canada % 665 UK % 1,370 France % 903 Germany % 1,175 Sweden % 487 Norway % 172 Denmark % 188 Finland % 196 Italy % 799 Spain % 305 Holland % 78 Belgium % 89 Poland % 469 Austria % 298 Switzerland % 71 Australia % 369 Prepared by Poker Players Research Ltd.
Based on data drawn from an initial sample of 216,089 respondents Spring 2009 Prepared by Poker Players Research Ltd. 4 Number of Real Money Poker Players and Percentage of Total Poker Players 13.8m 7.0m 11.9m 9.4m Number of Different Types of Poker Players – All Regions 32% 16% 28% 35% 14.9m 22%
Based on data drawn from an initial sample of 216,089 respondents Spring Prepared by Poker Players Research Ltd. Playing Online Poker At Least Once a Month For Real Money US v Non US 12.7m 10.1m 13.2m Winter-07 Spring-08 Spring-09 Autumn m % - 12% + 26% ’09 v ‘08 + 9% - 9% + 29% ’09 v ‘06 Percentage Change Total Number of Players – All Regions - Trends
Based on data drawn from an initial sample of 216,089 respondents Spring Playing Online Poker For Real Money – All Regions- “At Least Once A Week” 9.8m 7.9m 9.5m - 11% + 27% - 15% + 24% + 6% + 3% ’09 v ‘08 ’09 v ’06 Percentage Change 10.1m Spring-09 Winter-07Autumn-06Spring-08 Prepared by Poker Players Research Ltd.
Based on data drawn from an initial sample of 216,089 respondents Spring 2009 Prepared by Poker Players Research Ltd. 7 ALL REGIONS TOP 10 SITES OTHERS Percentage Change +5% 13.2m 13.8m Spring-08 Spring Number Playing Online Poker For Real Money at least once a month Top 10 Sites Share Of Players- Trend Based On Those Playing Online Poker For Real Money At Least Once A Month
Based on data drawn from an initial sample of 216,089 respondents Spring ALL REGIONS US NON US POKER STARS35.1% FULL TILT POKER25.6% ABSOLUTE POKER14.3% PARTY POKER9.0% BODOG POKER7.7% ULTIMATE BET7.6% 888.COM / PACIFIC POKER6.6% EVEREST POKER6.1% B WIN POKER5.9% PLAYERS ONLY POKER5.0% POKER STARS41.3% FULL TILT POKER37.7% ABSOLUTE POKER24.0% BODOG POKER14.4% ULTIMATE BET12.1% PLAYERS ONLY POKER8.5% DOYLES POKER ROOM7.2% PITBULL POKER7.0% SPORTSBOOK.COM POKER6.3% RED STAR POKER5.6% POKER STARS29.3% PARTY POKER17.6% FULL TILT POKER14.1% 888.COM / PACIFIC POKER12.8% EVEREST POKER11.9% B WIN POKER11.4% TITAN POKER7.2% BET 365 POKER6.5% UNIBET.COM POKER6.4% PKR POKER6.2% Top Ten Sites (by Playing On At All) by Region– Real Money Players ‘Brand Shares’ - All Online Real Money Players Prepared by Poker Players Research Ltd.
Based on data drawn from an initial sample of 216,089 respondents Spring CANADA POKER STARS28.8% PARTY POKER21.2% 888.COM / PACIFIC POKER20.6% FULL TILT POKER19.9% ABSOLUTE POKER12.9% BETFAIR POKER7.1% ULTIMATE BET6.7% PKR POKER6.2% LADBROKES POKER6.1% ACED.COM5.5% 888.COM / PACIFIC POKER27.0% LADBROKES POKER21.0% PARTY POKER19.5% WILLIAM HILL POKER19.0% POKER STARS16.3% BET 365 POKER16.1% BETFAIR POKER12.9% FULL TILT POKER12.4% PKR POKER12.2% PADDY POWER POKER7.7% UK AUSTRALIA POKER STARS56.2% PARTY POKER30.8% FULL TILT POKER27.1% ABSOLUTE POKER11.0% ULTIMATE BET8.4% 888.COM / PACIFIC POKER5.8% POKER ROOM5.0% TITAN POKER4.3% HOLLYWOOD POKER3.5% PARADISE POKER3.5% Top Ten Sites (by Playing On At All) by Region– Real Money Players Profile Of Party Poker Real Money Players Prepared by Poker Players Research Ltd.
Based on data drawn from an initial sample of 216,089 respondents Spring How Would You Rate This Your Main Site In Terms Of How Well it Satisfies what you want from an Online Poker Site 10 = Completely Mean Rating (Average Mean Rating for all sites = 7.3) Satisfaction Ratings – Best Performing Sites Prepared by Poker Players Research Ltd. 7.6
Based on data drawn from an initial sample of 216,089 respondents Spring Which Of These Sites Can You Remember Trying To Get Started At And Failing? Expressed as a % of number of people currently playing on each site (at all) (Average for All Sites = 20%) 61% 47% 42% 45% 37% 36% 43% 35% 32% Problems Joining Sites – Worst Performing Sites Prepared by Poker Players Research Ltd.
Based on data drawn from an initial sample of 216,089 respondents Spring 2009 Pre par ed by Po ker Pla yer s Re se arc h Ltd. 12 Percentage of players that joined their main site in the last 6 months A Comparison Of Online Real Money Players By Country Prepared by Poker Players Research Ltd.
Based on data drawn from an initial sample of 216,089 respondents Spring 2009 Prepared by Poker Players Research Ltd. 13 When you are playing poker online for real money how worried are you about the deal being fair/random? % saying that they are worried / very worried A Comparison Of Online Real Money Players By Country
Based on data drawn from an initial sample of 216,089 respondents Spring How Many Different Sites Do You Play On Regularly? Average Number of Different Sites All Sites U.S. All Sites Europe Excl UK Profile Of All Online Real Money Players Prepared by Poker Players Research Ltd.
Based on data drawn from an initial sample of 216,089 respondents Spring 2009 Prepared by Poker Players Research Ltd. 15 How Many Different Sites Do You Play On Regularly? Average Number of Different Sites All Online Real Money Players- Comparison of Europe To U.K.
Based on data drawn from an initial sample of 216,089 respondents Spring 2009 Prepared by Poker Players Research Ltd. How many Tables Do You Usually Play On At The Same Time? All Online Real Money Players Multitabling – Trends 16
Based on data drawn from an initial sample of 216,089 respondents Spring 2009 Do you gamble on anything else on the internet for Real Money? 42.6M 20.9M 20.8M 10.7M Prepared by Poker Players Research Ltd. 17
Based on data drawn from an initial sample of 216,089 respondents Spring 2009 Prepared by Poker Players Research Ltd. 18 Do you gamble on anything else (besides poker) on the internet for real money? % of players who also gamble on other activities online A Comparison Of Online Real Money Players By Country