German Financial Services Industry Focussing on XBRL Norbert Flickinger XBRL Deutschland e.V. Member, Steering Committee XBRL International – November 2005
German Financial Services Industry Focussing on XBRL Increasingly, the German Financial Services sector is making use of XBRL Three typical examples Deutsche Bundesbank (the German Central Bank): Data feed into an information pool for statistical assessments – supply chain with DATEV Deutsche Börse (the Frankfurt Stock Exchange): Publicly accessible web based system for data collection, distribution, and assessment Deutsche Bank (Germany's leading private bank): Data import into their credit risk analysis system
Some Background Information XBRL Taxonomies mainly to be considered IFRS Listed companies have to report their consolidated financials using IFRS, others may do so – this concerns up to 1000 entities German GAAP (German Commercial Code) Every company has to apply German GAAP with non-consolidated figures, e.g. for tax filing – this concerns far more than 2 million entities US-GAAP Some companies apply US-GAAP – global players, but a very low number
Some Background Information IFRS Taxonomy is available Prepared by XBRL workgroup under the lead of IASCF XBRL Germany, in cooperation with the workgroup, is in charge of adapting it to the use in the German market (extensions, translations, education) German GAAP Taxonomy is available A spec 2.0 version exists since 2002 developed by XBRL Germany Enhanced version complying with spec 2.1 is close to completion
Some Background Information Software Vendors and Service Providers active in the German market Besides global players including SAP, Software AG, Microsoft, Fujitsu, Hitachi... Also German companies focussing on the local market such as DATEV, Nuremberg – Software & IT services, ERP system including data pool for financials of 2.4 mn S&N AG, Paderborn – Standardised and tailor made solutions for banks, etc.
Three typical examples Deutsche Bundesbank's Project Deutsche Börse's Project Deutsche Bank's Project
Deutsche Bundesbank's Project Project summary Data pool to collect financial statement data of German companies Bundesbank has maintained such data pool for a long time Phase of general technical reconstruction including XBRL functionality completed The data pool is basis for micro- and macro- economic analyses In addition, the results are fed back to the suppliers, aggregated information is shared with the public
Deutsche Bundesbank's Project Highlights of the data pool project Cooperation with several partners (banks, etc.) delivering data on a voluntary basis Processing of about 125,000 data sets a year Main focus on balance sheet & income statement figures Calculation of 180+ ratios per data set Results grouped by industry, size, legal form, region, year (hypercube of about 70,000 cells) Benchmark data delivered back to contributors
POOL Bundesbank Partner Banks Credit insurers etc. Financial statements of German non-financial companies Statistics Database Ratios Cash Flow Profitability Leverage by legal form... by sector... by size... by region... by year XBRL Deutsche Bundesbank's Project Graphic: Deutsche Bundesbank
Deutsche Bundesbank's Project Challenges Harmonisation of data format (each contributor used to have its own) Getting rid of manual data capturing (question of time & cost consumption, information quality) Shortening the time to market period (quarterly update of statistics) Filtering out duplicates (data are delivered in anonymous form, i.e. without IDs or names)
h e g EUR 3,1/ ISO4217:EUR … h e g EUR 3,1/ ISO4217:EUR … Non-XBRL headerXBRL spec 2.0 Deutsche Bundesbank's Project Source: Deutsche Bundesbank
Deutsche Bundesbank's Project Benchmark information delivered by Bundesbank SectorSizeLegal formYearQuartile 1Quartile 2Quartile 3 Car supplier Sales > €25mn and < €50mn Corporation200311,00%20,0%36,0% Own analysis of a consumer of benchmark information CompanyEquity ratio Car supplier 123,0% Car supplier 217,0% Car supplier 341,0% Equity funding below average Excellent equity funding Equity ratioGroup Equity funding above average Assessment Example result Source: Deutsche Bundesbank
Deutsche Bundesbank's Project Harvested benefits from implementing XBRL Embedding in an extended XML framework Concentration on just one technical and logical format Support of strict quality checks Significant enhancement of data quality Ability to validate data at the sender's side Less waste And, of course, all other benefits XBRL does provide In particular: Reduction of manual workload
Deutsche Bundesbank's Project Status of the project XBRL supply chain with DATEV as a supplier is working Next steps Building supply chains with other suppliers Extension to IFRS Taxonomy Vision Up to 20,000 statements of German companies based on SME-IFRS can be compared with their European peers
Deutsche Bundesbank's Project Deutsche Börse's Project Deutsche Bank's Project Three typical examples
Deutsche Börse's Project Motivation Increasing transparency trough greater comparability Breaking the impasse: no investor use / no issuers provide Lead enables key determining influence and gains meaningful experience Initiative supported by reputated partners Potential for increased small and mid cap coverage
Deutsche Börse's Project Project summary Web based data pool Import of XBRL Instance Documents via Exchange Reporting System (ERS) – secure data transfer Taxonomy derived from IFRS – high aggregation level, adaptation to the German market Results publicly and free available Pre-defined reports including peer group analysis View/export as XBRL, HTML, Excel, PDF Phase 1, processing quarterly reports: running Extended version for annual reports: in preparation
Deutsche Börse's Project
Deutsche Börse's Project
Deutsche Börse's Project Various export formatsPeer group analysisMultiple reports
Deutsche Börse's Project Wider benefits for the German capital market Provide a central database for listed company financial reports Simplified access improves data quality and confidence Enhanced coverage through electronic access Cost and time efficient data processing Data comparison / transparency
Deutsche Bundesbank's Project Deutsche Börse's Project Deutsche Bank's Project Three typical examples
Deutsche Bank's Project Deutsche Bank, like other banks, is affected by XBRL in several instances XBRL as a format to collect borrowers' data (Credit Risk Management) Own disclosures to shareholders and the public Reporting to regulators Reporting within the group for internal controlling including consolidation of data for external and regulatory reporting "Lowest hanging fruit": data collection for CRM
Deutsche Bank's Project Some figures about Deutsche Bank's Credit Risk Management About 3,000 employees in 20 countries around the globe... Process about 100,000 financial statements a year... Use one unique model covering all accounting standards to analyse financials as a core module in a comprehensive rating system – whereas... Information is held in one unique database communicating with many other systems in the bank's IT environment
Deutsche Bank's Project Motivation Facilitate data exchange with customers, data providers, and own addressees Targets Replace today’s very heterogeneous landscape of data formats by a global common standard Use potential for streamlining and enhancing financial analysis of customer data Shift focus from input workload to analysis tasks Allow for a paperless process in future
Deutsche Bank's Project Challenges Workflow mix for a certain period: electronic data feed and manual capturing Necessity to edit also electronically imported data for handling of technical and logical errors Data Capturing & Transformation Engine Target Database Target Database XBRL Instance Documents XBRL Instance Documents Paper based report Also: DOC, RTF, XLS, HTML, TXT, PDF, …
Deutsche Bank's Project Challenges Dealing with differing standards even XBRL based Private & Business Clients (PBC) Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Poland MidCap Europe Multi- Nationals (ICC) number of customers diversity of accounting standards IFRS dominant Local GAAPs prevailing Mix of IFRS and local GAAPs Graphic: Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank's Project 400 T EUR 150 T EUR 400 T EUR German AP Taxonomy (HGB) Deutsche Bank Accounting Model Deutsche Bank's model can be seen as a private taxonomy Rule-based transformation between taxonomies Graphic: Deutsche Bank 550 T EUR
Deutsche Bank's Project Project status Work ongoing, completion in 2006 scheduled Main focus in the start phase GermanAP v2 (German GAAP taxonomy, based on spec 2.1) Selected suppliers Dependencies Availability of spec 2.1 compliant taxonomies Sufficient number of XBRL Instance Documents available
Questions? International German For further information on XBRL please refer to the web sites