Calentamiento Write directions for #1, 2, and 3. Start at the red star
Calentamiento Listen to the possible answers by clicking on the recording. 1) 2) 3)
¡Recuerda! Missing work must be turned in by January 12 th !! I will accept late work up until this point and still give you partial credit. Partial credit is WAY better than a zero! Final Quiz 4.2 – Tuesday 12/16 (you will not have a 3 rd Unit quiz, just the final in January so study, study, study!!!) Missing work is 10 pts off every day it is late
Nuevo Vocabulario Complete the last part of your vocabulary! Escribe en tu papel!
Yo necesito = I need Yo tengo que = I have to
Cuesta= It costs Pagar = to pay Comprar= to buy
Algo para comer = something to eat Algo para beber = something to drink Algo para llevar= something to wear
¿Cómo llego a…? / ¿Cómo voy para…? – How do I get to…?
Perdón = Excuse me ¿Me puede ayudar? = Can you help me? ¿Le puedo ayudar? = Can I help you?
Los Mandatos (commands) Doble = turn Vaya/Camine= Go/walk Siga= Continue
Caminar = to walk Trabajar = to work Celebrar= to celebrate
Los lugares famosos Each student will choose a famous city from the list below: – Madrid, España – San Juan, Puerto Rico – Mexico City, Mexico – Buenos Aires, Argentina – Santiago, Chile Look online to research 3 famous places/landmarks/businesses in your city Fill out the graphic organizer (get from the sub) to describe the 3 places in your city
Dibujos animados On the back side of your famous places graphic organizer… Write/draw a short cartoon between two people. One person is lost in your Spanish- speaking city and is asking for directions. The other person gives them directions to a famous place in your city. Be sure to use the vocab/direction phrases from our unit!
Cuando terminas… If you finish, copy and paste the following link to practice the vocabulary on Quizlet iv-flash-cards/ iv-flash-cards/