In Mexico, before the energy constitutional reform, Pemex was the only operator performing exploration and production activities. Pemex was a state-owned company, incorporated as a decentralized organization of the Federal Public Administration, in accordance with the Decree of Pemex regulated itself in exploration, production, industrial safety and environmental protection. With the Energy Reform of 2013, Pemex became a State Productive Enterprise. Pemex became only one player in the hydrocarbon sector. Pemex in the new escenario: Introduction
Pemex in the new escenario: Round Zero
83% of Mexico’s 2P reserves 21% of Mexico’s prospective resources Production platform: 2.5 Million Barrels Per Day for 20.5 years 489 Allocations: 108 in Exploration 381 in Production Pemex’s Allocations Pemex in the new escenario: Round Zero
Mexico’s Energy Reform: Brief Update 21 Laws 25 Regulations Regulatory Framework Strengthening of CNH & CRE Creation of ASEA & FMP Institutions Pemex transformation into State Productive Enterprise State Productive Enterprises Round Zero Round One Bid 1, Bid 2, Bid 3… Rounds
Mexico’s Energy Reform: New Tools Checks and balances amongst institutions. Publicly available information. Live sessions (bidding rounds, regulatory agencies meetings). Strict Ethics Codes. Clear feedback mechanisms throughout the bidding process.
Mexico’s Energy Reform: Round One Bid 1 & 2
49 Companies that showed interest: Date of Announcement: 11 de diciembre de 2014 Submission of Proposals: 15 de julio de Participants who started the prequalification: Mexico’s Energy Reform: Round One Bid 1 * Update: 9 may 2015
10 27 * Update: 9 may 2015 Date of Announcement: 27 de febrero de 2015 Submission of Proposals: 30 de septiembre 2015 Atlantic BG Group BP CASA Exploración CHEVRON CNOOC Compañía Española de Petróleo, S.A (CEPSA) DEA DEUTSCHE ERDOEL AG Diavaz offshore E&P Hidrocarburos y Servicios Ecopetrol ENI INTERNATIONAL Exploration & Production PCL Galp Energía E&P BV Hunt Overseas LUKOIL NBL México INC. PEMEX Perforadora México Petronas Carigali Premier Oil Sánchez Oil & Gas Corporation Sapurakencana Shell Sierra Oil & Gas Sinopec Total Mexico’s Energy Reform: Round One Bid 2 Companies that showed interest: Participants who started the prequalification:
Mexico’s Energy Reform: Round One Bid 3
26 Land Allocations in 5 different States: Oil Fields = 14 Gas Fields = 12 Nuevo León = 8 Tamaulipas = 2 Veracruz = 6 Tabasco = 5 Chiapas = 5 Land Allocations