La hora ¿Qué hora es?
Vocabulario La hora: hour El minuto: minute Son: “it is” use this to tell time 1:31 to 12:30 Es: “it is” use this to tell time 1:00 to 1:30 and 12:31 to 12:59 Media: :30 Cuarto: :15 Menos cuarto: :45 En punto: on the dot Medianoche: midnight Mediodía: noon De la mañana: in the morning De la tarde: in the afternoon De la noche: in the evening
Time ¿Qué hora es?: What time is it? ¿A qué hora….? At what time…. In the 1:00 Hour *it is 1:00: es la una *it is 1:05: es la una y cinco Notice we are just adding: it is one and 5 Remember: “y” means “and”
1:30: es la una y media After :30 in the hour…things change just a bit….we will subtract!!! If it is 1:40…what is the next hour? 2:00 So, will say: it is 2:00 minus :20 (minutes). Son las 2:00 menos veinte. It is 1:40. Because it is 2:00 we have to go with “son” for “it is”….
12: 50….es la una menos diez… It is one minus 10 minutes… One is singular that is why we went with “es” WATCH WHEN WE ADD AND SUBTRACT 3:10…son las tres y diez 4:40…son las cinco menos veinte 12:55…es la una menos cinco 1:50….son las dos menos diez