1º A HOMEWORK´S TEACHER ALEJANDRO VILLALOBOS MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY Traer 6 abate lenguas. Draw your favorite term animals. Bring two papes plates. Study vocabulary.
1º B HOMEWORK´S TEACHER ALEJANDRO VILLALOBOS MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY Traer 6 abate lenguas. Draw your favorite term animals. Bring two papes plates. Study vocabulary.
2º HOMEWORK´S TEACHER MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY Traer 5 oraciones hablando sobre trabajos. Ejemplo: A teacher works in a school. Preguntar a sus amigos, ¿cuál es el trabajo de sus papas? En una gráfica como la esta: WENESDAY: Contestar las siguientes preguntas: Who works in a music store? Who works at the school? Who works in a factory? Who works with electricity? Who works with animal? Traer escrito en ¼ de hoja que es lo que quieren ser de grandes. estudiar vocabulario NAMEFATHERMOTHER LUCIACHEFSHOPKEEPER FERNANDOSALES PERSONSECRETARY
3º HOMEWORK´S MISS. ALFA BLANCO MONDAY Decorate your saint patrick´s Day Leprechaun and color it. Use your imagination and write at least 5 sentence paragraph about why them celebrate it on the USA. TUESDAY Make a draw of you wearing rainy clothes, color it and write the word for each clothes. WEDNESDAY Check the weather forecast for today, tomorrw Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so you can answer the following questions: What is the weather like today? What its going to be the weather like tomorrow? What its going to be the weather like on Friday? What its going to be the weather like on Saturday? What its going to be the weather like on Sunday? THURSDAY Using the yesterday´s forecast make a draw of each kind of weather from Wednesday to Sunday, color it and write the word for each day. FRIDAY Answer the following questions whit: “yes, I do” or “No, I don´t” 1.Do you wear a scarf on winter? 2.Do you wear sandals on a rainy weather? 3.Do you wear a coat on summer? 4.Do you wear gloves on winter? 5.Do you wear a sweeter when its cold?
4º HOMEWORK´S MISS. ALFA BLANCO MONDAY Decorate your St. Patrciks day, draw, use different materials and your imagination! TUESDAY Make a sentence with the following habitat-related words: (cut down, disappear, eats, hunt, lose, meet, overhand, plants, provide, survive; underline each word on the sentence. WEDNESDAY Pick one animal that is endangered of extinction and write at least 10 sentence pharagraph of it, make a draw and color it. THURSDAY Complete the following sentences: Posible answers: (komodo dragon, scientists, asteroid, bamboo, habitat) 1.A kohala need a _____ tree to survive. 2.A paleontologist is a_________ that studies fossils. 3.An _________ hit the earth and all the dinosours die out. 4.An animal ______ is the place were it lives. 5.A _______ ________ is an specie endangered. FRIDAY Make a draw of a white tiger, color it andt write five sentence pharagraph of it.
5º HOMEWORK´S MR. MIGUEL ANGEL MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY Traer 20 oraciones utilizando el ayer y el hoy. Ejemplo: I am watching the TV. I was watching the TV. hacer una gráfica con 10 oraciones uniéndolas con: WHILE, WHEN content reader unit 5 Hacer una revista con recortes de sobre sus mejores vacaciones. Estudiar vocabulari o It began to rainShe was swimming My mother was drivingIt started to snow I was watching TVMy best fríen called The lights went outI was doing my homework
6º HOMEWORK´S MR. MIGUEL ANGEL MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY Estudiar vocabulario Hacer una investigación sobre el espacio a mano de 2 hojas. Traer un diseño de un alien y tendran que contester estas preguntas sobre sus dibujos. 1. What does it look like? 2. Where does it come from? 3. What does it eat? How does it move? 4. What does it like to do? 5. What special abbilities or super power does it have? 6. What weahness does it have? Traer 20 oraciones utilizando comparacione s. (-er y –est). Ejemplo: Saturn is windier than Mars. Estudiar vocabulario