PRE-KINDERGARTEN Supply List Lista de Útiles para Pre Kínder 1 backpack / 1 mochila 2 boxes of 24 count crayons / 2 cajas de 24 colores 1 pair of scissors (blunt end) / 1 par de Tijeras (punta redonda) 2 bottles of glue / 2 botellas de resistol 1 pack of 2 Jumbo pencils / 1 paquete de 2 lápices tamaño Jumbo 2 pocket folders (with prongs) / 2 carpetas con bolsillos (con broches) 1 box of Kleenex (facial tissue) / 1 caja de Kleenex 1 roll of paper towels / 1 rollo de toallas de papel 1 box of Ziploc bags (boys = gallon size; girls = quart size) / 1 caja de bolsitas Ziploc (niños = tamaño galón; niñas = tamaño quarto) 1 box of wipes / 1 caja de toallas húmedas 1 bottle of hand sanitizer / 1 botella de antibacterial 1 complete change of clothes / 1 cambio complete de ropa 1 ream of white printer paper / 1 paquete de papel de copia blanco 1 spiral notebook / 1 cuaderno de espiral 1 black 1” binder / 1 aglutinante negro de 1”
2015 – 2016 Kindergarten Supply List 1 ream of white printer paper (5oo sheets) 2 Handwriting Kinder Tablets 6 glue sticks 2 bottles of Elmer’s Glue 2 boxes of Kleenex Ziploc Bags-1 Gallon and 1 quart 2 boxes/packs of pencils 4 boxes of crayons (24 count) 1 box of markers 1 bottle of hand sanitizer Baby wipes 1 roll of paper towels 4 plastic folders with brads 1 set of scissors 1 pack of erasers 1 change of clothes labeled with student’s name
2015 – 2016 First Grade Supply List 1 backpack 1 zippered pencil bag or box 1 box of 24-count crayons 1 pair of scissors (blunt end) 2 packages #2 pencils 1 box of washable markers 1 bottle of white glue 6 glue sticks 4 plastic pocket folders (with prongs) 1 box of Kleenex (facial tissue) 1 box of Ziploc bags (gallon or quart) 2 big erasers 4 spiral notebooks (wide ruled) 1 bottle of hand sanitizer 1 ream of printer paper (500 sheets)
Second Grade Supply List 1 ream of white printer paper (500 sheets) 1 backpack 1 zippered pencil bag or box 1 box of 24-count crayons 1 pair of scissors (pointed) 2 packages of #2 pencils 1 bottle of white glue 4 plastic pocket folders (with prongs) 2 boxes of Kleenex (facial tissue) 1 package of big pink erasers 4 spiral notebooks 1 bottle of hand sanitizer 2 packages of notebook paper 1 ruler with metric measurement 12” 1 roll of paper towels
rd Grade Supply List Backpack 2 boxes of Kleenex 2 packs of notebook paper (wide ruled) 1 large bottle of hand sanitizer 1 box of Ziploc Bags (gallon Size) 1 roll of paper towels 1 pair of scissors 1 box of Crayola Crayons (24 count) 1 box of colored pencils (12 count) 1 package of markers (8 count) 2 packages of #2 pencils 2 pens (black and red) 4 spiral notebooks (solid colors no designs) 2 packages of wide-ruled paper 1 pencil bag 1 package of cap erasers 3 composition books (science lab, math notes, reading vocabulary) 2 glue sticks 6 solid plastic folders with prongs and pockets (solid colors no designs) 1 covered pencil sharpener 1 pair of inexpensive headphones (used for computers) 1 ream of white printer paper (500 sheets)
th Grade Supply List - 1 backpack - 1 zippered pencil bag or box - 1 box of 24-count crayons - 1 pair of scissors (pointed) - 2 packages #2 pencils - 2 glue sticks - 6 plastic pocket folders (with prongs) - 2 boxes of Kleenex (facial tissue) - 1 roll of paper towels - 2 big erasers - 6 spiral notebooks (wide ruled) - 1 bottle of hand sanitizer - 2 red pens - 1 package of notebook paper (wide ruled) - 1 pack of colored map pencils - 1 (2) inch 3-ring binder - 2 composition books - 1 ream of white printer paper (500 sheets)
th Grade Supply List 1 backpack 1 zippered pencil bag or box 1 box of 24-count crayons 1 pair of scissors (pointed) 2 packages of #2 pencils 2 glue sticks (white) 1 box of Kleenex (facial tissue) 1 big eraser 5 spiral notebooks (wide ruled) 1 bottle of hand sanitizer 2 red pens 1 package of wide ruled notebook paper 1 package of colored map pencils 1 closed hand pencil sharpener 1 ream of white printer paper (500 sheets) 1 student composition notebook (journal)