Check out The Trigs – Educational Rock Like You’ve Never Heard Before! Jeopardy v4.0 This version features an updated timer, a setup menu, sounds, and improved graphics. The timer default is 30 seconds. To change it, go to the Setup menu. First: in order to use this program, you need to enable macros. In Office 2007, it will automatically ask if you want to enable the macros. If you have an earlier version, then use the setup menu to access instructions on how to enable them. To use this, simply edit the names of the categories to fit what you need, and then enter your questions (and answers) on the appropriate slides. Once you’ve entered all the questions, run the show. You must hit the “Start Game” button on this page (it will make sure all the questions appear). Click on the question chosen and that slide will come up. To start the timer, click the block of white squares. They will tick off to show the passage of time. When time is up, a stop sign will appear. Click the stop sign to reload the timer. To show the answer, click anywhere on the slide other than the timer or the back button. When the question has been answered, click the word “Back” in the lower right hand corner to bring yourself back to the main page. Once there, click the name of the team that got it right and enter the point value of the question. The score will be updated! Comments? Suggestions? P.S. This is, of course, a free program, but if you happen to feel like rewarding hard work with a little money, feel free to PayPal some cash to Start Game Setup
Infinitivos © 2008 by Mr. Mayers Vocabulario Cultura dia de los muertos PronounsContextThe verb “IR” Team 1Team 2 Team 3 Team 4Team 5Team 6 Team 7 Team
Infinitivos 100 Que es…The most basic form of the verb. Back What is the definition of an infinitive in English?
Vocabulario, 100 Que es…dibujar. Back Me gusta mucho ir al ….
Dia de los muertos, 100 Que es …panteon. Back What is the Spanish word for cemetery?
Pronouns, 100 Que es…yo Back What Spanish pronoun would you use if I needed to talk ABOUT myself?
Context, 100 Que es…me gusta... Back Write in complete Spanish sentences…three places you go to…
The verb ir, 100 Que es…. QUE. Back Write in a sentence…. Where are you going on Friday? (In Spanish)
Infintivos 200 Que es…ar, er, and ir… answers will vary. Back What are the endings for infinitives in Spanish? Give three different examples
Vocabulario, 200 Que es…ir al cine. Back Which one corresponds…make sure you say the word in Spanish
cultura, 200 Que es… 1ero de noviembre & 2 de noviembre. Back What are the dates for Dia de los muertos? (Must be said in Spanish)
pronouns, 200 Que es… a word that replaces a noun in the sentence. Back What is the definition of a pronoun?
context, 200 Que es…false. Back Para ir de compras vamos a la iglesia. TRUE OR FALSE
VERB….IR, 200 Que es..vas, los Back ¿T ú____ de compras _____ sábados? FILL IN THE BLANKS
Infinitivos 300 Que es…. Back Read the following paragraph and categorize each infinitive into social activity or alone activity. Hola Que tal? Me llamo Daniela. Me gusta much ver MTV en la tele, bailar ballet, y escuchar musica moderna. No me gusta practicar deportes ni correr ni nadar. Me gusta much leer revistas.
Vocabulario, 300 Que es…. Back Fill in the blank with the correct interrogative word. —¿_____ vas a la biblioteca? —Después de las clases.
cultura, 300 Que es… Sr. Huesos aka Mr. Bones and answers will vary Back What was the name of the host from our movie….. (hint he was not alive) and why do you believe he was the host?
pronouns, 300 Que es… nosostros Back What Spanish Pronoun or pronouns would replace the following names in a sentence… Hector, Daniel, y yo
context, 300 Que es…. Back Hola ¿Qué tal? Me llamo Daniela. Voy al teatro el domingo. Me gusta bailar ballet, y escuchar musica moderna. No me gusta ir a practicar deportes ni correr ni nadar. Me gusta mucho leer revistas. Translate the following paragraph
The verb “IR”300 Que es...van Back Mis amigos _____ al gimnasio para practicar deportes
Infinitivos 400 Que es… Back Write three place that you and family members do not go to in Spanish. You must use at least 5 infinitives.
Vocabulario, 400 Que es… answers will vary Back Voy allí para comer. Esquío allí. Voy de compras allí. Leo revistas allí. Veo películas allí. Voy allí para hacer ejercicio. Each sentence is done at a certain place. Mention all the places in Spanish. There are a total of six.
cultura, 400 Que es…chapulin Back What is the very insteresting item The “gringo” ate at the market?
pronouns, 400 Que es… ustedes. Back Replace the following names with a Spanish pronoun….(You are speaking directly to this person) Dr Williamson y Profe
context, 400 Que es…. Back Listen carefully to Profe…. Translate what she said
The verb “IR”, 400 Que es…. Back Fill in with the correct form (conjugation) of ir Marta y yo _____ al café los viernes. ¿Con quién _____ al cine? Voy contigo. Yo _____ al campo los fines de semana. Tú y tu amigo _____ al trabajo después de las clases.
Infinitivos 500 Que es…. Back Listen carefully to Profe…. What are the infinitives she said
Vocabulario, 500 Que es….. Back You want to leave a note for a friend who is taking a make-up test after school. In the note, tell your friend where you are going after school. Since you don’t know when he or she will be able to meet you, mention at least four different places you will go and what time. Try to describe what you be doing at the different locations. For example, you mighy write that you’re going to the gym to lift weights at 4:00pm. All must be done is SPANISH.
cultura, 500 Que es….answers will vary Back Explain the difference between halloween and dia de los muertos. Explain the similiarties.
Pronouns, 500 Que es… ellos. Back What pronoun would replace… Profe, Mateo, Mr Luca y Daniel in a spanish sentence
context, 500 Que es… answers will vary. Back Listen carefully to Profe…. Translate what she said
The verb “IR”, 500 Que es… MIL. Back Fill in the blank And explain the difference between the following sentences… Mateo y Daniela ______ al parque el domingo con los perros. Mateo y Daniela van a _____ al parque el domingo con los perros.
Español 1 8° Hoy es martes el 18 de noviembre Hoy es miércoles el 19 de noviembre
Para Empezar Write down the following questions. And mention whether they are cierto o falsos. The verb often comes before the subject when asking a question in Spanish. You use interrogatives to ask questions. Voy al templo para ir de compras. Siempre nado en el cine. Me quedo en casa para patinar. Para nadar vamos a la piscina.
Setup Menu Set Timer Macro Instructions Daily Double Instructions Main Menu Set # Teams
Instructions For Adding A Daily Double: 1)Use Word Art to create a nice “Daily Double”. 2)Copy the word art to whichever slide(s) you want the Daily Double to be on. 3)Go to the Animations screen and choose “Custom Animation”. 4)Click the Daily Double Word Art to select it and choose “Add Effect”. There should be a great number of entrances to choose from. 5)Right click on the element that was just added to the Animation list and drag it to the top of the list. Now right click and choose “Start with Previous”. This will cause the graphic to enter when the slide is shown. Now choose “Effect Options”. The second menu box down should say After Animation. Click the arrow and choose “Hide on Next Mouse Click”. Click Ok. 6)Finally, click on the question (just the question) in the main screen. Go back to the custom animation panel and click Add Effect, then find the effect labeled “Appear”. Now, when you go to the slide, you should have an appearing Daily Double graphic which disappears and shows the question the next time the mouse is clicked. P.S. If you want to add a Daily Double sound effect, then when you go into the “Effect Options” menu to make it disappear after the mouse click, choose a sound to play. Setup
Instructions For Turning On Macros: 1)If you’re using Office 2007, then when the PowerPoint opens, there will be a status bar at the top of the screen saying macros have been disabled. There is a button that says “Options”. Choose this, and then choose “Enable” and click OK. 2)If you are using earlier versions of Office, then it is a little more complicated: A)On the top menu, choose “Tools” B)Choose “Security” C)Choose “Macros” D)You will be given three options (Low, Medium, and High). Choose Medium. E)Click OK, then close PowerPoint completely. F)Restart the program. Macros should now be enabled. To check, try running the slideshow and clicking the “Start Game” button. If nothing happens, then feel free to me at and I will try to help you Setup