Preamble Marketing Definitions “ Marketing is the social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others.” - Philip Kotler ("Marketing Management") “ Marketing is “The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably.” - The Chartered Institute of Marketing Drawing from the two mentioned advocates’ marketing definitions Marketing therefore entails “human activities institutes employ to identify consumer needs and wants so as to create different offerings such as products, services, ideas, concepts and information in order to exchange and meet total consumer satisfaction.”
Key Areas to effective marketing Effective Communication Marketing Skills
Communication Methods Advertising Sales Promotion Personal Selling Publicity Public Relations
Communication Methods Personal Selling The presentation of a persuasive message by a seller to a potential customer or group of customers, generally in a face-to-face meeting. Publicity Information that concerns a person, group, event, or product and that is disseminated through various media to attract public notice
Communication Methods Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media Sales Promotion the methods or techniques for creating public acceptance of or interest in a product, usually in addition to standard merchandising techniques, as advertising or personal selling, and generally consisting of the offer of free samples, gifts made to a purchaser, or the like.
Communication Methods Public Relations -is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics The effectiveness of all these Communication Methods will be indicated by some of the followings key perfomance indicators inter alia : Increased Customer response, Increased Sales, Increased demand for the product or service, increased market share and business growth. Effectiveness and proficiency of an institute in its Marketing Effort will depend largely on how it exploits the various communication methods mentioned to relate creatively, productively and efficiency or profitably to its target market.
Marketing Skills Effective Marketing Campaigns require a range of skills and knowledge. Communicate, Negotiate and Network Collaborate with sales team Know your strength and weaknesses Conducting a Market Research Capability in Customer Services
Marketing Skills Communicate, Negotiate and Network Excellent marketers are strong communicators and shrewd business operators. They have vibrant communication skills that help them deal with suppliers and service providers, while dealing with customers and building valuable networks Including exploiting social media, blogging, Campaigns and promotions. Popularly is developing A web site which becomes the calling card of the Business. Collaborate with sales team To expand or run a growing business there might be need to separate sales and marketing teams. The sales team still remains an essential part of a marketer’s marketing success and must be involved in marketing strategies. This helps motivate a marketer’s salespeople to achieve Marketing objectives.
Marketing Skills Know your strength and weaknesses The capability of evaluating and understanding a business’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT Analysis) will help a business to make informed decisions and deliver the business’s marketing effectively. If the Marketer can know the pros and cons of the business’s operating systems, financial commitments, legal obligations and workforce skills, it makes it easier to identify appropriate marketing campaigns.
Marketing Skills Conducting a Market Research A marketer must be adept with the skills and know how of conducting marketing research Coupled with sound SWOT Analysis findings, critical information collected prior marketing campaigns can help identify training needs and good, marketing decisions including; Developing a targeted, direct mail campaign within a compiled database, sound marketing budgeting and identification of the best marketing mix that appeal the target market.
Marketing Skills Capability in Customer Services A marketer must have a strong propensity to serve customers well – putting customers first and benefits to business second. The key rests in well founded capabilities in providing excellent customer services. Aspects such good listening skills, skills to identify accurate information before handling customers enquiries and queries are valuable. Timely responses to customers needs and wants helps to build customer confidence.
Conclusion THANK YOU!!!