Climate Change How will it affect Murcia Region?
Murcia region is next to the Mediterraneam sea. Murcia Region
Mar Menor (Small sea) Mediterranean Sea
The Mar Menor or Small Sea.Mar Menor Specially Protected Zone
The lagoon has been designated Specially Protected Zone of Importance for the Mediterranean by the United Nations.
The lake has an area of 170 square kilometres Mediterranean Sea
During the last century the Earth's average temperature rised 0.7 º C, in Spain this figure is doubled. 1.5 º C The future could be bleak.
Just a few buildings would remain of La Manga del Mar Menor, if it is covered over by the Mediterranean Sea.
When sea level rises one centimetre one meter away beach. Stop the emission of greenhouse gases.
The basic idea here is that these images of flooded resort hotels, parched farmlands, and abandoned villages, half-buried in sand, will inspire us to take action against climate change.
If circumstances doesn’t change the land would be flooded by the sea by 2100.
“Excessive heat causes the emission of greenhouse gases is absorbed by land and by sea, which increases its volume by increasing the temperature, causing sea level rise. Furthermore, the des frozen ice mass contributes to further raise sea level”.
With current conditions and characteristics, the sea level will rise half a meter between 2050 and 2100
This increase in sea level would cause the disappearance of 20 kilometers of land. Greenpeace insist that this could be "images of the future, but this can be avoided.
Greenpeace considers La Manga del Mar Menor "a flagship site for its natural conditions, its construction and tourism resources"
The reality is that beaches are disappearing
The comment from Greenpeace: "We will continue to campaign against climate change, because time is running out for taking measures to prevent La Manga from becoming submerged," said Mario Rodríguez, Greenpeace's campaigns director in Spain. "To try to solve specific problems by attacking the messenger, whose only aim is to defend the environment, is a wrong strategy, as well as being unworthy and unfair."
Increasing temperatures will rise sea level.
The Mar Menor will desapear.