Gina-Corina Vrinceanu, Faculty of Computer Science, 3rd year German as in Germany… Basic German words
Intended auditory this presentation is suited for anybody who wants to learn some basic German words (or just refresh the memory) it can be easily used by pupils to better understand and learn their lessons … but can also be used by those who have never seen or heard German words before
Other technical issues the lesson can be read and understood during one hour at the end of the presentation there will also be a link to some exercises for practice … and of course links to sites that offer German lessons
Let’s say them Let’s find out together how German letters are spelled: sound.ppt
1. Communication Hello = Hallo How are you? = Wie geht es Ihnen? I’m good, and you? = Mie geht es gut und Ihnen? My name is Mary. = Ich heiße Mary. This is John. = Das ist John.
2. Times of the day Morning = der Morgen Good Morning = Guten Morgen Day = der Tag Good Day = Guten Tag Evening = der Abend Good evening = Guten Abend Night = die Nacht Good night = Gute Nacht
Weekdays Monday = der Montag Tuesday = der Dienstag Wednesday = der Mittwoch Thursday = der Donnerstag Friday = der Freitag Saturday = der Samstag Sunday = der Sonntag
Family Mother = die Mutter, die Mütter Father = der Vater, die Väter Brother = der Bruder Sister = die Schwester Daughter = die Tochter Son = der Sohn Grandmother = die Großmutter Grandfather = der Großvater
Numbers Zero = Null One = Eins Two = Zwei Three = Drei Four = Vier Five = Fünf Six = Sechs Seven = Sieben Eight = Acht Nine = Neun Ten = Zehn
Colors red = rot black = schwartz orange = orange blue = blau brown = braun white = weiss green = grün grey = grau yellow = gelb
Expand your vocabulary Let’s have some fun while learning other new German words ble.php?nl=4&db=pd
Links RVZEAodpHtRQA RVZEAodpHtRQA ture.htm ture.htm &op=preview&manifestid=132&itemid= &op=preview&manifestid=132&itemid=
Links - here you can find animated Power Point presentations for all the grammar of the German language If you want to test your German – try these: gauge/