File 3 - 3A - Grammar- modal verbs - Vocabulary- the senses (project- my neighbours) - 3B- grammar- Past tenses and The passive - Vocab.- books and reading - 3C- grammar - conditional sentences - Vocabulary- money
-A polling station -A polling booth: where the vote is cast -But a ballot box A buzz A drip A click A splash People whispering People giggling People screaming
1.Tick 2.sniff 3.Click 4.Splash 5.Bang 6.Creak 7.Buzz 8.Hoot 9.Tap 10.Slurp 11.Hiss 12.Drip 13.Roar 14.Whistle 15.Hum 16.Slam 17.Crunch 18.Snore 19.Rattle 20.Screech 21.crash
scream yell giggle whisper mumble moan stammer sob sigh
1.Snakes H _______ and some R _____ 2. Clocks ____ 3. Runny noses are s _______ 4. Some taps d _____ 5. People s ______ at night 6. Owls and car horn h _____ 7. Gunshots b _____ 8. Wasps and bees b ______ 9. we C _____ keys 10. Crispy things c _____ 11. Don´t s ______ the soup. It´s rude! 12. wood c _____ 13. Doors are s _______ when people are angry. 14. Referees w ______ games 15. A car c _______ into a tree 16. Children like s ______ in the water. 17. electrical equipment h ____ when they´re on 18. lions r ____ 19. tyres sliding hard s ____ 20. The kid t ____ gently on the desk but disturbed his mates during the exam. hissrattletick sniffed drip snore hootbang buzzclick crunchslurpcreak slammed whistlecrashed splashinghum roarscreechtapped
looks taste sounds feels smell hearing sight smell taste touch ADJECTIVES
1. huele a ajo – 2. está oliendo a ajo. – 3. Estoy oyendo ruidos abajo. 4. Siento corriente. ¿Hay algo abierto? 5. Le vi cerrar la puerta. – 6. le vi cómo cerraba la puerta. 7. pareces cansado. – 8. sabe salado y agrio. – 9. parece preocupado y un poco depre. ¿Qué le pasa? – 10. parece como si alguien estuviera cantando. 1.It smells of garlic 2.I can smell of garlic 3.I can hear noise downstairs 4.I can fell a draught. Is there anything open? 5.I saw him close the door 6.I saw him closing the door 7.You look tired 8.It tastes salty and bitter 9.He seems worried and a bit down today. What´s wrong with him? 10.It seems as if /though someone was singing