Identifying Teacher Quality, theoretical backgrounds of a reflection tool Maria Flores, Gillian Hilton, Katerina Kloneri, Elizabeth Nilsen, Marco Snoek ATTE research and development group on the teacher education curriculum
This paper Discusses how to engage teachers in defining teacher quality rather than having ideas imposed upon them. Based on an international 3 year project ATEE RDC 19 sponsored by the EU 12 countries and 28 participants. Involved developing tools to aid teachers to reflect on teacher quality and increase their ownership of professional quality.
Teacher quality Of immense interest world wide the most important aspect in student achievement (Darling-Hammond et al. 2005) High political priority e.g. OECD; EC, 2007 Countries have followed the competency line or that of teacher standards re pedagogy, knowledge skills etc. (Evans, 2002. Wong & Wong,1998) Many countries now have formal lists of competencies or standards for teachers in training and also for their CPD (TDA, 2007)
Attempt here is to be objective but subjective judgements on personal qualities such as moral or emotional characteristics, personal interpersonal values etc. are more difficult to measure We need a shared understanding of teacher quality for all the stakeholders Quality is a personal construct complex and multi-faceted depending on the views of the teacher and the context in which they find themselves
Teacher Quality and Professionalism Professionals have autonomy to define their own core standards so are teachers professionals if standards are imposed? Imposed standards have led to some narrow instrumental versions of teaching to more broad based ideas on professionalism Professionalism must come from the workforce itself wanting to make a difference (McCulloch, Helsby, Knight, 2000) not be imposed by policy makers Teacher professionalism must come from the teachers themselves not be imposed from outside by policy makers Imposition brings compliance or possibly activism but not ownership and commitment to improve in a time of change and uncertainty.
Types of professionalism Hoyle (1974) describes two types of professionalism restricted - classroom based experienced based extended – involving the social context of education and teachers collaborating and arguing using a theoretical basis to aid discussion We need to ensure quality in both kinds of professionalism Goodson & Hargreaves(1996) professionalism is what teachers experience it as not what others say it should be
Need for collaboration and co-operation between teachers and stakeholders to meet the assumption that teachers influence society Teachers must be involved in defining quality as the constant changes, ambiguity and complex demands require proactive responses But? Do all teachers demonstrate this professionalism in day to day work in the classroom and beyond?
Teacher quality and reflection National instruments for measuring TQ seen as control on teachers – but can be instruments for prof dev and change – reflection is the key here Professionals have to share ‘norms’ in reflection as to what is considered good practice - insight into oneself but also reflect on the level reached in the ‘norms’ of the profession How? By discussing with colleagues and striving for quality from within related to shared and internalised professional standards created through professional discourse
The ITQ project A 3 year international project Funded by the EU Socrates programme Aims to support teachers to develop their professional quality through reflection by using a variety of tools designed to aid reflection
Based in 6 assumptions Teachers are professionals – Reflection on professional quality is a stimulus for professional development Ownership is a condition for learning and change Quality is a personal contextual construct Personal involvement in defining professional quality stimulates ownership and therefore learning and change Education asks for an interactive relation between policy research and practice
The result? Empower teachers to participate in national and regional debates on teacher quality Stimulate reflection on different aspects o teacher quality Stimulate collaborative learning of teachers – individual and school development leading to a shared language Stimulate sensitivity to and understanding of concerns of other stakeholders
Reflection tools From different sources and stimulating different learning styles Outside sources e.g. formal documents research publications national standards Observations of classroom practice - videos/DVDs Using shared experience – my most remarkable teacher diary writing and exchanging these experiences Creative and expressive activities role plays drawings metaphors etc.
Use of the tools and evaluation All tools stimulate reflection on teacher quality and on identification of indicators of teacher quality Used with pre service – in service and practising teachers national projects on TQ and for looking at specific themes Tools are being evaluated and tested across Europe and in a Comenius course later this year. Data has been collected through reflective journals of the tool designers , questionnaires for tool testers and the test organisers.
A reflection by the tool testers on their perceptions of teacher quality which will be compared with national documents These evaluations will be used to improve the tools during year 3 of the work The tools used and the results will be published on the website and possibly become par of a book. Website -
Final thoughts We believe that helping teachers to reflect upon quality will – Empower teachers to become more involved in defining quality Help teachers at all levels to discuss professional quality in an ongoing debate that will enhance practice Ensure that stakeholders’ needs are considered Help teachers to become more involved and have a voice in national and European discussions on teacher quality Raise the professionalism of the profession We believe that involving teacher in this is more likely to have success in raising quality than will externally proposed and imposed standards
Thank you for your attention Please visit the website and try out some of the tools The ITQ group from ATEE RDC 19