Leçon 4, Partie 1.   What are you going to do this weekend?  I am going to watch a movie.  I am going to go to the movie theatre.  Break the sentence.


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Presentation transcript:

Leçon 4, Partie 1

  What are you going to do this weekend?  I am going to watch a movie.  I am going to go to the movie theatre.  Break the sentence into its parts.  In French, how do you say I? Am going? To watch? A movie  Je vais regarder un film.  Je vais aller au cinéma. Near Future

ALLER = to go an irregular verb JevaisNousallons TuvasVousallez Il / Elle / On vaIls / Elles vont

  This is the formation we use to talk about what people are and are not going to do.  Je vais jouer au foot.  Nous n’allons pas travailler.  What does the verb chercher mean?  To look for  However, when we see the phrase “aller chercher” it means…  To go get, to pick up ALLER + infinitif

le verbe VENIR

VENIR = to come an irregular verb JeviensNousvenons TuviensVousvenez Il / Elle / On vientIls / Elles viennent

 Notez bien: Several verbs are conjugated JUST like venir Se Souvenir  to remember Revenir  to come back Devenir  to become Venir

 To say a person comes from a place, use the preposition de: For CITIES, use de or d’ with no article!!! ex: Je viens de Chicago. Elle vient de Frisco. Nous venons d’Austin. There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as La Nouvelle Orléans ex: Ils viennent de la Nouvelle Orléans. Venir de…

For COUNTRIES, use de + article. Notez bien: you may have to make a contraction (magic) for de + le (du) and de+ les (des)!! Remember: ALL countries that end in E are feminine except for Le Mexique and Le Cambodge. ex: Sophie vient du Mexique. Nous venons des Etats-Unis. Vous venez de la France. Ils viennent de l’Italie.

  Je viens de rencontrer Marc.  Ton frere vient de telephoner.  Mes copains viennent d’arriver.  When used in the above formation means…just.  I just met Marc.  Your brother just called.  My friends just arrived. Venir de + infinitif