Leçon 4, Partie 1
What are you going to do this weekend? I am going to watch a movie. I am going to go to the movie theatre. Break the sentence into its parts. In French, how do you say I? Am going? To watch? A movie Je vais regarder un film. Je vais aller au cinéma. Near Future
ALLER = to go an irregular verb JevaisNousallons TuvasVousallez Il / Elle / On vaIls / Elles vont
This is the formation we use to talk about what people are and are not going to do. Je vais jouer au foot. Nous n’allons pas travailler. What does the verb chercher mean? To look for However, when we see the phrase “aller chercher” it means… To go get, to pick up ALLER + infinitif
le verbe VENIR
VENIR = to come an irregular verb JeviensNousvenons TuviensVousvenez Il / Elle / On vientIls / Elles viennent
Notez bien: Several verbs are conjugated JUST like venir Se Souvenir to remember Revenir to come back Devenir to become Venir
To say a person comes from a place, use the preposition de: For CITIES, use de or d’ with no article!!! ex: Je viens de Chicago. Elle vient de Frisco. Nous venons d’Austin. There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as La Nouvelle Orléans ex: Ils viennent de la Nouvelle Orléans. Venir de…
For COUNTRIES, use de + article. Notez bien: you may have to make a contraction (magic) for de + le (du) and de+ les (des)!! Remember: ALL countries that end in E are feminine except for Le Mexique and Le Cambodge. ex: Sophie vient du Mexique. Nous venons des Etats-Unis. Vous venez de la France. Ils viennent de l’Italie.
Je viens de rencontrer Marc. Ton frere vient de telephoner. Mes copains viennent d’arriver. When used in the above formation means…just. I just met Marc. Your brother just called. My friends just arrived. Venir de + infinitif