Yes, it´s over there. It´s in the pop section? Hello, can I help you? No, we haven ´t. Sorry! Yes, it´s over there. It´s in the pop section? It´s over there near the exit Yes, we have. They´re over there near the café Yes, have you got the new Tokio Hotel CD? What about 19 by Adele?.Have you got that? Where is that? Thanks. Oh, have you got birthday cards? Great. Thanks!
landscape abstract Still life portrait sculpture installation
4 6 1 2 3 5
Front/back/ Hatchback Locked Ladder No good Aerial/porch/ Drive Three types of doors: F _____, B _____ and H ______ (car) Tire del manillar de la otra ventana= P_____ _______________ Antena= A ______ Porche= _______ Camino al garage D _______ Estas no son las llaves de casa= Th__ _________ _____________ ¿Cómo es Sara? W _________ _______ ? Sara had a problem because the door was L ___ A Man who delivers letters= P ____ and his bag= M _________ No hagas eso, Ben = ____________ ______ Empuja = P_____ Tira= P _____ Es maja y amable = She´s N _____ and K _____ Mr. Clark Had a L ____ to climb up to the window Trae el monedero de mamá= G ____ ______________ Techo y tejado= C _____ and R ___ Ayúdeme, sujete la escalera= H ___ Ben is muy travieso= Ben´s is __________ It´s _________ = (No va, no funciona) Meta la mano= P ___________ Oh my God = O ________ ¿Qué pasa? W ___________ ___________ ? P _________ = carrito de un niño Front/back/ Hatchback Locked Ladder No good Pull the handle Postman/ Mailbag Get mummy´s Purse Put your hand in Aerial/porch/ Drive Don´t do that Ceiling/roof Oh Dear! These aren ´t the house keys Push/pull Hold the ladder What´s wrong What´s she like Nice/kind Naughty pushchair
A cashier A trolley Check-out customers A jar of strawberry jam 2 lbs of onions A Brown loaf An envelope A bandage A kettle
A rose bush Two pints of milk A puzzle A travel agent´s A tobacconist´s A jeweller´s A dry cleaner´s
Secretary´s vocabulary (1): Estás de coña You´re kidding ¿Puedo colgar la chaqueta? Can I hang up the jacket? Me estás tomando el pelo You´re pulling my leg ¿Te sangró? Did it bleed? Me lo olvidé en casa I left it at home Tranquilízate Take it easy ¿Quieres uno? Would you like one? El escondite inglés Sly fox Saltar en los charcos de barro Jump in muddy puddles
Secretary´s vocabulary (2): No es justo It´s not fair! Lo he visto I´ve seen it Por si acaso Just in case ¿Puedo pedir un lápiz? Can I borrow a pencil? improvisando Do it out of the blue ¿Habéis terminado?. Todavía no Have you finished?. Not yet Bueno, parecido Well, kind of Métete en tus asuntos Mind your business! Me he liado I´m mixed-up