Notes le 5-6 décembre Expressing age in French French uses the verb AVOIR (to have) to express age. AVOIR is an irregular verb. AVOIR (to have) j’ainous avons tu asvous avez il/elle/on ails/elles ont
To ask how old someone is, use the expression Quel âge as-tu? (How old are you?) Respond with J’ai ________ ans. ( I’m _______ years old.)
When you want to talk about someone else’s age, make a sentence like Quel âge a ton père? (How old is your father?) Mon père a cinquante-huit ans. (My father is 58 years old.)
Avoir can be used in a lot of other contexts, as well. Avez-vous des questions? (Do you guys have any questions?) -Non, nous n’avons pas de questions. (No, we don’t have any questions.) Combien de frères et de soeurs as-tu? (How many brothers and sisters do you have ?) -J’ai un frère et trois soeurs. (I have one brother and three sisters.)