By Isaac Gilchrist
Mars Avril Mai
Été (SUMMER) Juin Juillet Août
Septembre Octobre Novembre
Decembre Janvier Février
AustraliaFrance In Winter, it often rains, but is not a surprise when it doesn’t, and hardly ever snows. In Winter, it nearly always rains and often snows, and it is a shock when it gets over 10 degrees. In Autumn, it is crisp, golden and the leaves are going red. The temperature has cooled right off from summer, but it is still usually very warm. Autumn is not too hot to be really humid and sticky, but it’s an even, warm temperature. The leaves like changing with many trees turning red. Summer is hot, humid, dry and if you ever see any rain, it will usually not last for long. In Summer, the weather is similar to Australia, but it never gets as hot as we can get. Spring ranges between hot and humid at the start, and wet, cold and slippery at the end. The humidity dies away quickly and this is often the best season to be in France. Normally dry and warm most of the year, not including Winter. Normally wet, and cold weather most of the year, not including Summer.
Tour De France Roland Garros (French Tennis Grand Slam) Bastille Day Beaujolais Nouveau Christmas La Pourcailhade Halloween Mardi Gras New Year’s Day Poisson d'avril Labor Day World War II Victory Day Armistice Day Cannes Film Festival 24-heures Le Mans (Car Race) Fête de la Musique Grenoble Jazz Festival Nice Jazz Festival