Español 1 lunes el 20 de enero Attendance & Seating Chart Daily Warm Up Class expectations (syllabus) Tarea (HW): -Get the expectation/movie slip sheet signed -sign up for Remind text alerts -go to Quizlet cards for 4.1 via class website BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!!
Warm Up: Spanish1 lunes 1/20 Answer the following questions en espanol: 1.?Como te llamas? 2.?De donde eres? 3.?Te gusta la clase de espanol?
Español 2 lunes el 20 de enero Attendance & Seating Chart Daily Warm Up Class expectations (syllabus) Tarea (HW): -Get the expectation/movie slip sheet signed -sign up for Remind text alerts -go to Quizlet cards for 4.1 via class website BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!!
Warm Up: Spanish2 lunes 1/20 Answer the following questions en espanol: 1.?Como te llamas? 2.?De donde eres? 3.?Te gusta la clase de espanol?
Español 1 martes el 20 de enero Attendance & Seating Chart Daily Warm Up Class expectations (syllabus) Tarea (HW): -Get the expectation/movie slip sheet signed -sign up for Remind text alerts -go to Quizlet cards for 4.1 via class website BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!!
Warm Up: Spanish 1 martes 1/20 Answer the following questions en espanol: 1.¿Cómo te llamas? 2.¿De dónde eres? 3.¿Te gusta la clase de español?
Español 2 martes el 20 de enero Attendance & Seating Chart Daily Warm Up Class expectations (syllabus) New Books (if time) Tarea (HW): -Get the expectation/movie slip sheet signed -sign up for Remind text alerts -go to Quizlet cards for 1.1 via class website YOU NEED THE BOOK!!
Warm Up: Spanish 2 martes 1/20 Answer the following questions en espanol: 1.¿Cómo te llamas? 2.¿De dónde eres? 3.¿Te gusta la clase de español?
Español 1 miércoles el 21 de enero Daily Warm Up Signed Expectation Sheets (turn in) Book Declaration/Condition form Vocab 4.1 Definitions packet – Check in with me when complete Tarea (HW): -Finish vocab packet if not completed in class -Study new 4.1 vocab terms (Quiz by next Wed.) BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!!
Warm Up: Spanish 1 miércoles 1/21 Conversación con mi compañero -Say hello & ask their name (in Spanish) -Ask if they have a pet (in English or Spanish) -Ask their favorite song/type of music (in Eng. or Span.)
After the vocab….. Read the Repaso information on pg. 10 about nouns, adjectives and gustar. Then do the exercises below. Ex. 7 pg. 11 Write out each statement and finish it with the correct option from the list (a, b or c). Ex. 8 pg. 11 Use each subject listed in the first box and something from each of the other boxes to create 6 sentences explaining what the people like or like to do.
Español 2 miércoles el 21 de enero Daily Warm Up Signed Expectation Sheets (turn in) Book Declaration/Condition form Vocab 1.1 Definitions sheet – Check in with me when completed Read Repaso box on pg. 10 (do ex. 7 & 8 pg. 11) Tarea (HW): -Finish vocab or book work if not completed in class -Study new vocab 1.1 terms (Quiz on Monday) BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!!
Warm Up: Spanish 2 miércoles 1/21 Conversación con mi compañero -Say hello & ask their name (in Spanish) -Ask if they have a pet (in English or Spanish) -Ask their favorite song/type of music (in Eng. or Span.)
Español 1 jueves el 22 de enero Daily Warm-Up Vocab Pronunciation Picture Cards: Cut & Label El Horario de clases (class schedule sheet) Tarea (HW): -Study new 4.1 vocab terms (Quiz next Wed.) BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!!
Warm Up: Spanish 1 jueves 1/22 Use your vocab list to help pick the class names.
Español 2 jueves el 22 de enero Daily Warm-up Vocab Pronunciation Go over book work (from Wed.) Párrafo de Familia (Family Paragraph) Tarea (HW): -Study new vocab 1.1 terms (Quiz on Monday) BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!!
Warm Up: Spanish 2 jueves 1/22 1.___ Juliana es perezosa. 2.___ A Mario le gusta la música. 3.___ Me gusta mantenerme en forma. 4.___ Mis amigos son trabajadores. a.Toca el piano y canta. b.Siempre se levanta tarde. c.Hacen la tarea todos los días. d.Corro todos los días. Match the verb phrases on the right to each person’s description.
TEST NOW! 1.After the Test, pick up a copy of the video questions sheet. 2.Read through the questions so you know what to listen for during the video. 3. Wait quietly until all tests are in.
Español 1 viernes el 23 de enero Daily Warm Up & Turn In Create Horaio de Clases Make Mini Matamoscas (flyswatters) Cap. 4 Reading Notes Tarea (HW): -Study new 4.1 vocab terms (Quiz next Wed.) BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!!
Warm Up: Spanish 1 viernes 1/23 Picture Card Practice Lay all 15 cards out picture side up, por favor
Español 2 viernes el 23 de enero Daily Warm Up & Turn In Dots & Lines game Make Mini Matamoscas (mini flyswatters) Tarea (HW): -Study new 1.1 vocab terms (Quiz Tuesday) BRING BOOK EVERYDAY!!
Warm Up: Spanish 2 viernes 12/19 Peer Edit of Family Paragraph: Trade papers with your seat mate. Read and note any mistakes they have made. – Spelling, accents, grammar issues, missing info… Give papers back and discuss any errors that need to be corrected. Fix your mistakes and create a final draft of your parapgraph. Due later next week.
TEST NOW! 1.After the Test, pick up a copy of the video questions sheet. 2.Read through the questions so you know what to listen for during the video. 3. Wait quietly until all tests are in.