Mexico The Mexican Flag
La capital es Mexico City North America Yucatan Peninsula
Mexico Picture of Mexico City
Mexico East Sierra Madre West Sierra Madre
Mexico Federal Republic Felipe Calderon
Mexico Three bodies of water in addition to the 10 rivers: Pacific Ocean Gulf of Mexico Gulf of California
Mexico The 31 states of Mexico Aqui es el mapa de Mexico
Mexico The currency of Mexico is the Peso 1 Peso = $12.39
Mexico Una comida popular es quesadillas, tostadas, y churros
Mexico Una cita de turismo es Cancun
Mexico Celebremos la festival de Cinco de Mayo y el Grito de Independencia
Cinco de Mayo is celebrated on the 5 th of May and is celebrated because Mexico defeated the French army in 1862 El Grito de Independencia is celebrated on the 16 th of September and is celebrated because Mexico gained its independence from Spain
The Mayan Temple