STREGA C1:Cryogenic Last Stage Suspension (10 MIN) Task -C1: thermal conduction investigation of final stage suspension; This part of the suspension system close to the optics has been called final stage and deserves special care since it is relevant for the overall thermal noise performance. In cryogenic detectors the final stage ought to provide a good thermal conduction and at the same time it has to satisfy the thermal noise requirements. Objectives: - Design of new suspension elements (such as cantilever blades or flexural joints) to be located on the final stage. - Achieve a low noise remote control of the mirror position, using sensors and actuators compatible with the cryogenic environment. - Assembling and test of a full prototype of cryogenic final stage. Participants: INFN * -Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare MiniGRAIL-Leiden University – LION Institute of Physics * Involved labs: Ferrara, Firenze, Genova, Frascati, Legnaro, Napoli, Padova, Perugia, Pisa, Roma 1, Roma 2, Trento, Urbino
STREGA C1:Cryogenic Last Stage Suspension (10 MIN)
STREGA C1:Cryogenic Last Stage Suspension (10 MIN)
STREGA C1:Cryogenic Last Stage Suspension (10 MIN)
STREGA C1:Cryogenic Last Stage Suspension (10 MIN)
STREGA C1:Cryogenic Last Stage Suspension (10 MIN) Thermal anchoring without introducing vibrational noise into the system Jellyfish High conductivity Cu (RRR~1100) Very flexible Very good for 3kHz but must be modified for lower frequencies with thinner and/or longer strips.
STREGA C2:Cryogenic suspension system for advanced resonant detectors (5 MIN)