Ipanema Beach, Rio De Janeiro Madysen Bilodeau Jay Sandt
Basic Information Currency:1 Brazil real= 56 U.S cents. Language: Portuguese Weather/climate: mostly tropical and temperate in the south. Location: located in brazil just south of the capital.
Hotels Most hotels are located on or near the beach. Everything is walking distance from hotels. There are many websites where you can find great deals.
Where we stayed: nos quedamos a la ipanema inn hotel. Es la asequible y limpio.
Beaches we went to: fuimos a la playa de Ipanema.
Restaurants Do as the locals do! At these local eateries: Atelier Culinaro Café Hum Doce Delicia these are some favorites that you can find local cuisine that is comfortably dined upon by the people of Rio coming off the beautiful beaches.
a more upscale dining experience Whether your out on a date with a special someone or with a group of friends looking for a more upscale experience try these: Chez Pierre B! Zaza Bistro This corner bistro brings the feel of Morocco to the shores of Rio with its South Asian Décor and tasty Moroccan cuisine.
Where we ate comí a la Doce Delicia por almuerzo. comí a la Zaza Bistro por la cena.
Nightlife Ipanema and the rest of Rio is full of exciting things to do in the after hours. The area is rich with Restaurants and Theaters. If your more of a mover and shaker and looking for fun you will find a bunch of great dance clubs or gafieiras. These Gafieiras are well known Samba halls that are a great experience for anyone trying to indulge themselves in the Brazilian Culture.
Where we went at night: fuimos cristal lounge. Después, fuimos lapa. Lapa es un tradicional Bohemia center. Cristal loungeCristal lounge LapaLapa
Tourist Attractions Attractions in Rio include a plethora of sites and activities that one can keep themselves occupied with. CorcovadoCorcovado SugarloafSugarloaf Maracana
Where we visited: visitamos Corcovado y Sugarloaf. Después, visitamos Maracaná. Maracaná es la famosa estadio por el futbol.
Rio at night Beach life What we saw
Recomendamos todos vistamos. Ipanema es una mucho bonita. Nos gusta rio de janeiro.