5/2/2005MAGIC II Workshop – RömerTurm1 The Monte Carlo Center Presently 5 ( + 5) XEON bi-processors at 3.0 CNAF (Bologna) allocated to MAGIC. During 2004 the MC production chain has been successfully tested, and worked fine (~ 50 CPU used); 1 TB of disk space. [see report from C.Bigongiari & M.Piraccini, INFN Workshop Castiadas (Cagliari)] ; Up to now produced: ~ ???K HE gammas events ~ ??? hadron events
5/2/2005MAGIC II Workshop – RömerTurm2 MAGIC 1 Speed: Time tot (Corsika + Reflector + Camera) ~ 4s / event ~ 900 events/h CPU : If, for example, 11 Gevents of background are needed, this means ~ 1200 cpu for 1 year; the same background event can be used for different impact parameters ~ 50 CPU Storage disk space: Corsika output:28.0 KB/evt ( )10.8 KB/evt (h) Reflector output: 7.6 KB/evt ( ) 1.3 KB/evt (h) Keeping the reflector output: 45 M events 320 GB 11G h events 13 TB
5/2/2005MAGIC II Workshop – RömerTurm3 MAGIC 2 We could provide ~ new dedicated CNAF CPU Also additional storage space One ( may be more) fellowships for a dedicated person will be available (particularly for the implementation into GRID)
5/2/2005MAGIC II Workshop – RömerTurm4 Conclusioni CPU x produzione MC ~50 Storage x MC 13TB MC di MAGIC 1 interamente prodotto al CNAF CPU x Analisi Dati~10 Storage x Dati 27TB production centre)