Adjective to describe personal characteristics These would use the verb SER (to be) Soy, Eres, Es, Somos, (Sois), Son
Remember: Adjectives that end in “O” have 4 forms. Adjs that end in a consonant or a vowel only have 2 forms. Exceptions : Nationalities & Words that end in “án, ón, ín, or dor” also have 4 forms
Remember: Possessive adjectives agree with the noun not the person. His friends = Sus amigos Their friend = Su amigo
Remember: Demonstrative adjectives: This and These have “t”s (este, esta, estos, estas) That and Those don’t (ese, esa, esos, esas) And if it’s far away, use the word that begins with “a” (aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas)
tall alto, alta, altos, altas
friendly amigable, amigables Ends in a vowel = 2 forms only
artistic artístico, artística, artísticos, artísticas
daring atrevido, atrevida, atrevidos, atrevidas
lazy person holgazán, holgazana, holgazanes, holgazanas ends in “án” = exception and has 4 forms
this (m.) este
short bajo, baja, bajos, bajas
my mi, mis NOTE: Singular/Plural agrees with the noun NOT the person: Mi perro y MIS gatos
pretty bonito, bonita, bonitos, bonitas
sporty, sports-loving deportista, deportistas ends in “ista” = has 2 forms only
this (f.) esta
unorganized desordenado, desordenada, desordenados, desordenadas
studious estudioso, estudiosa, estudiosos, estudiosas
glutton comelón, comelona, comelones, comelonas ends in “ón” = exception has 4 forms
your tu, tus NOTE: Singular/Plural agrees with the noun NOT the person tu carro tus carros
famous famoso, famosa, famosos, famosas
funny, cute gracioso, graciosa, graciosos, graciosas
These (m) estos
handsome, good-looking guapo, guapa, guapos, guapas
beautiful hermoso, hermosa, hermosos, hermosas
his, her, your (formal) su, sus NOTE: Singular/Plural agrees with the noun NOT the person His friend = su amigo His friends = sus amigos
impatient impaciente, impacientes ends with a vowel = 2 forms only
these (f.) estas
inseparable, close inseparable, inseparables ends with a vowel = 2 forms only
German alemán, alemana, alemanes, alemanas ends in “án” = exception has 4 forms
intelligent inteligente, inteligentes
young joven, jóvenes ends in a consonant (and isn’t an exception) has 2 forms only REMEMBER the pronunciation rules
our nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras
older (person) mayor, mayores ends in a consonant and isn’t an exception has 2 forms only
those (m) esos
negative negativo, negativa, negativos, negativas
optimist optimista, optimistas ends in “ista” has 2 forms only
organized ordenado, ordenada, ordenados, ordenadas
their su, sus NOTE: Singular/Plural agrees with the noun NOT the person Their paper: Su papel Their papers: Sus papeles
those (f.) esas
French francés, francesa, franceses, francesas ends in a consonant but it’s a nationality has 4 forms
patient paciente, pacientes
lazy perezoso, perezosa, perezosos, perezosas
that (m.) ese
pessimist pesimista, pesimistas
positive positivo, positiva, positivos, positivas
shy, timid tímido, tímida, tímidos, tímidas
that (f.) esa
shy, reserved reservado, reservada, reservados, reservadas
serious serio, seria, serios, serias
those far away (f.) aquellas
nice, charming simpático, simpática, simpáticos, simpáticas
sociable sociable, sociables
blabbermouth parlanchín, parlanchina, parlanchines, parlanchinas ends in “ín” = exception has 4 forms
that far away (m.) aquel
talented talentoso, talentosa, talentosos, talentosas
dumb, silly tonto, tonta, tontos, tontas
clumsy torpe, torpes
that far away (f.) aquella
hard-worker trabajador, trabajadora, trabajadores, trabajadoras ends in “dor” = exception has 4 forms
old looking, old things viejo, vieja, viejos, viejas
ugly feo, fea, feos, feas
those far away (m.) aquellos
Describe yourself Yo soy…
Describe a friend Mi amigo es…
Describe a friend and yourself Mi amigo y yo somos…
Ask someone what they are like ¿Cómo eres (tú)?