Test 4 - Topics Vocabulary - Kursmaterial S.22 (all words) + extra subjects from Universitäten.ppt (incl. the sing./pl. of „Universität“) **Be able to translate e.g. bookstore? der Buchladen **Know „other“ words on Kursmat. S.23, so you can understand them, when encountered in texts.
Test 4 - Topics Verbs - Kursmaterial S.23 (all verbs), S.10 all irregular verbs (including sein, haben): **Be able to conjugate e.g. ich bin, du bist,... **Be able to place conjugated verbs in fill-in the blanks story. e.g. In Heidelberg gibt es eine Uni.
Test 4 - Topics Writing sentences **Be able to write statements/questions (review question words); Know how to write the questions on Kursmat.S.6 (and similar ones) **Know how to write sentences with „es gibt“, „gern“ (WordOrderEsGibtGern.ppt) e.g.: ask how many provinces there are in Germany. Wie viele Bundesländer gibt es in Deutschland?
Test 4 - Topics Word Order - Word Order Rules: SV TMP O (Kursmaterial and WordOrder...ppt) **Given jumbled sentences, write correctly ordered sentences. der Deutschlehrer/sein/in der Bibliothek/gestern Der Deutschlehrer war gestern in der Bibliothek.
Test 4 - Topics Rewriting a text **Be able to rewrite a text similar to „Studentenalltag“ (Kursmaterial S.3 and Homeworkpage) from 1st into 3rd or from 3rd into 1st person. Eg.: 1st Person: Ich esse heute Abend Pizza. 3rd Person: Kevin(/Er) isst heute Abend Pizza.
Test 4 - Topics Ordinals **Be able to write questions and answers in complete sentences including ordinals (Ordinalsquestions.ppt and Homeworkpage) E.g.: Wann ist Silvester? Silvester ist am einunddreißigsten Dezember (Years will not be tested)
Test 4 - Topics Germany-Geography (Bundesländer und Hauptstädte) **Know how to write the names of the 16 Bundesländer and Hauptstädte **Know which Bundesland has which Hauptstadt and vice versa. Bundesland Hauptstadt S_______________ K___________ chleswig-Holsteiniel
Relevant PPTs and.doc‘s In ACME NOTES: Kap4-06 Review.ppt Unversitäten.ppt Kursmaterial S6 Deutschlandquiz.ppt WordOrderEsGibtGern.ppt Ordinalsquestions.ppt BasicRulesOfGerman.ppt(=info on word order) Am-Freitag-Erste-Dritte-Person.ppt Kap4-Quiz.ppt; Kap4Quiz.doc