Let’s enjoy songs Session 6
Let's enjoy songs – Session 6 La danse des pingouins Et les deux mains en l’air et remuez les fesses* Les mains sur les pieds et vous tournez en rond Les mains en haut, les mains en bas Vous tapez les pieds et saute, saute, saute ! * bottom/buttocks
Classroom language 1 Regardez ! – look! Écoutez (la chanson) !- Listen (to the song)! Répétez ! - Repeat! Écoutez et faites les actions ! – Listen and do the actions! Chantez avec les actions ! – Sing with the actions Montrez-moi l(es parties du corps )! – Show me (the parts of the body) Dessinez- - Draw! Lisez – Read! Levez /touchez/baissez /tapez.. la main etc. Raise /touch/ lower/ tap..your/the hand etc.
Classroom language 2 Encore une fois – once again … ou … ? - …or…? C’est quoi ? – What is it? Oui ? Non ?D’accord ? – Yes? No? OK? C’est correcte ? - Is that right? moins / plus vite, moins/ plus fort – slower/faster/more quietly/more loudly Un volontaire / des voluntaires? - A volunteer / some volunteers? Comment dit-on ….. en anglais/français ? - How do you say that in English/French? Maintenant à vous! - Now your turn
Grammar focus Imperatives The imperative form of verbs is used to give orders or instructions. When talking to more than one person the imperative will normally end in -ez, using the vous - second person plural form of the verb.e.g. Regardez! Chantez! Some verbs ( called reflexive verbs will also need –vous added too e.g. Levez-vous! Asseyez vous! Imperatives are very useful to give instructions in a classroom situation
Teaching Tips Use French as much as possible in lessons and incidentally Use actions to show what you mean Emphasise good pronunciation and intonation – emphasising French sounds Play the games to reinforce the language Sing the songs as often as possible when you have a few spare minutes Use props, clothes and other ‘artefacts' to support language learnng and make the language come alive Greet the class in French ‘Bonjour’ ‘Au revoir’ Ask them to respond to the register in French ‘Bonjour Madame…/Monsieur… or with a part of the body or with how they feel using the new expressions When children are ready, show them the written language, pointing out sound –spelling links to reinforce good pronunciation Make a classroom display
Practise your language! Practise the new language and sounds Listen to the recordings Practice the classroom language Review the grammar points Read the dialogues aloud to practice pronunciation and intonation Practise the songs Use your language incidentally as much as possible
Ensemble Languages Project, for the Ensemble Languages Project, Ensemble_Let ’ s Enjoy Songs Session 6 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License: