*** 3 MINUTES *** Objective: Vocab/Ideas: Vámonos: I can write sentences about a family in Spanish using possessive adjectives Family members (review) Next slide Possessive adjectives (review)
Mi sus Su tu tus su Mis sus mis tus su tus su Sus Su Su Students should do numbers: 1, 3-5, 7, 9-14, 17, 19-21 tus su Sus Su Su
PRACTICAMOS Individually you will answer the following questions in your notes. I will give you a set amount of time. After the timer goes off, we will check the answers.
Sergio Pilar Juan Marcos Alejandro Juan Pilar y Carmen Juan y María Ana primo María y Pablo esposa Sergio y Carmen hermano Ana tía Marcos nieta Ana hermana hija Isabela sobrina Ana prima
ENTREVISTA Take out the textbook and turn to page 161
ENTREVISTA Blue Circle #6 Hablemos Ask three classmates the following questions. Based on their answers, who is the most like you? Report your findings to the class. ¿Por qué? = why Porque = because
PRACTICE EXERCISES Take out the textbook and turn to page 160
¿CIERTO O FALSO? Blue circle #1 Escuchemos Mira el árbol genealógico (family tree) y escucha las oraciones. Indica si cada oración es cierta o falsa.
¿QUIÉN ES QUIÉN? Blue Circle #2 Leamos/ Escribamos Contesta las preguntas con base en el árbol genealógico de la Actividad 1.
DESCRIPCIONES Blue Circle #3 Leamos/Escribamos Completa la descripción de cada foto con una respuesta lógica.
As fast as you can, write each family member in MINUTO LOCO: As fast as you can, write each family member in Spanish Enlgish and then English Spanish
Have you gotten your progress report signed yet??? TAREA Using your homework from last night (5 people that are related to you and how), write 5 “riddles” using possessive adjectives. Example: Your original sentence: Rachel es la hermana. Your riddle sentence: La madre de Rachel es mi madre Catherine. A different riddle sentence: La madre de mi hermana Rachel es mi madre Catherine.