German I – Warm-Up Montag – List three movie genres in German. (Use Vocab) Dienstag – From the Los geht’s!, who enjoyed classical music? Mittwoch – Name this film in English: Kevin-Allein zu Hause Donnerstag – Nichts. Freitag – Conjugate the Verb mögen.
German I – Speaking Credit Anything else? Conjugate war. I’m not going to the movie theatre, because I have no money. Yesterday I was at the movie theatre.
German II – Warm-Up Montag – What is the difference between einfarbig and mehrfarbig? Dienstag – What kind of preposition is zu? Mittwoch – What is the Accusative Reflextive Pronoun (ARP) for du? Donnerstag – Nichts. Freitag – Conjugate the verb tragen.
German II – Speaking Credit Conjugiert das Verb tragen! Übersetzt: I am interested in cars. Übersetzt: Wear this dress! Übersetzt: You are interested in fashion.